In this tutorial, we will perform basic operations on demo data in Starburst Galaxy.
This tutorial assumes you have completed the setup and connected to a database with the astronauts
and missions
demo data , including setup of a Python environment with Ibis and the Trino backend installed.
1 import os
import ibis
from dotenv import load_dotenv
2 ibis.options.interactive = True
3 load_dotenv()
4 user = ''
password = os.getenv("PASSWORD" )
host = os.getenv("HOSTNAME" )
port = os.getenv("PORTNUMBER" )
5 catalog = "sample"
schema = "demo"
6 con = ibis.trino.connect (
user= user,
password= password,
host= host,
port= port,
database= catalog,
schema= schema,
7 con
Import necessary libraries.
Use Ibis in interactive mode.
Load environment variables.
Load secrets from environment variables.
Use the sample demo data.
Connect to Starburst Galaxy.
Display the connection object.
<ibis.backends.trino.Backend at 0x727cf116e8f0>
Load tables
Once you have a connection, you can assign tables to variables.
1 astronauts = con.table("astronauts" )
2 missions = con.table("missions" )
Create astonauts
Create missions
You can display slices of data:
Display the first 5 rows of the astronauts
┃ id ┃ number ┃ nationwide_number ┃ name ┃ original_name ┃ sex ┃ year_of_birth ┃ nationality ┃ military_civilian ┃ selection ┃ year_of_selection ┃ mission_number ┃ total_number_of_missions ┃ occupation ┃ year_of_mission ┃ mission_title ┃ ascend_shuttle ┃ in_orbit ┃ descend_shuttle ┃ hours_mission ┃ total_hrs_sum ┃ field21 ┃ eva_hrs_mission ┃ total_eva_hrs ┃
│ int32 │ int32 │ int32 │ string │ string │ string │ int32 │ string │ string │ string │ int32 │ int32 │ int32 │ string │ int32 │ string │ string │ string │ string │ float64 │ float64 │ int32 │ float64 │ float64 │
│ 1 │ 1 │ 1 │ Gagarin, Yuri │ ГАГАРИН Юрий Алексеевич │ male │ 1934 │ U.S.S.R/Russia │ military │ TsPK-1 │ 1960 │ 1 │ 1 │ pilot │ 1961 │ Vostok 1 │ Vostok 1 │ Vostok 2 │ Vostok 3 │ 1.77 │ 1.77 │ 0 │ 0.0 │ 0.0 │
│ 2 │ 2 │ 2 │ Titov, Gherman │ ТИТОВ Герман Степанович │ male │ 1935 │ U.S.S.R/Russia │ military │ TsPK-1 │ 1960 │ 1 │ 1 │ pilot │ 1961 │ Vostok 2 │ Vostok 2 │ Vostok 2 │ Vostok 2 │ 25.00 │ 25.30 │ 0 │ 0.0 │ 0.0 │
│ 3 │ 3 │ 1 │ Glenn, John H., Jr. │ Glenn, John H., Jr. │ male │ 1921 │ U.S. │ military │ NASA Astronaut Group 1 │ 1959 │ 1 │ 2 │ pilot │ 1962 │ MA-6 │ MA-6 │ MA-6 │ MA-6 │ 5.00 │ 218.00 │ 0 │ 0.0 │ 0.0 │
│ 4 │ 3 │ 1 │ Glenn, John H., Jr. │ Glenn, John H., Jr. │ male │ 1921 │ U.S. │ military │ NASA Astronaut Group 2 │ 1959 │ 2 │ 2 │ PSP │ 1998 │ STS-95 │ STS-95 │ STS-95 │ STS-95 │ 213.00 │ 218.00 │ 0 │ 0.0 │ 0.0 │
│ 5 │ 4 │ 2 │ Carpenter, M. Scott │ Carpenter, M. Scott │ male │ 1925 │ U.S. │ military │ NASA- 1 │ 1959 │ 1 │ 1 │ Pilot │ 1962 │ Mercury-Atlas 7 │ Mercury-Atlas 7 │ Mercury-Atlas 7 │ Mercury-Atlas 7 │ 5.00 │ 5.00 │ 0 │ 0.0 │ 0.0 │
Display the first 5 rows of the missions
┃ id ┃ company_name ┃ location ┃ date ┃ detail ┃ status_rocket ┃ cost ┃ status_mission ┃
│ int32 │ string │ string │ string │ string │ string │ float64 │ string │
│ 0 │ SpaceX │ LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA │ Fri Aug 07, 2020 05:12 UTC │ Falcon 9 Block 5 | Starlink V1 L9 & BlackSky │ StatusActive │ 50.00 │ Success │
│ 1 │ CASC │ Site 9401 (SLS-2), Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China │ Thu Aug 06, 2020 04:01 UTC │ Long March 2D | Gaofen-9 04 & Q-SAT │ StatusActive │ 29.75 │ Success │
│ 2 │ SpaceX │ Pad A, Boca Chica, Texas, USA │ Tue Aug 04, 2020 23:57 UTC │ Starship Prototype | 150 Meter Hop │ StatusActive │ NULL │ Success │
│ 3 │ Roscosmos │ Site 200/39, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan │ Thu Jul 30, 2020 21:25 UTC │ Proton-M/Briz-M | Ekspress-80 & Ekspress-103 │ StatusActive │ 65.00 │ Success │
│ 4 │ ULA │ SLC-41, Cape Canaveral AFS, Florida, USA │ Thu Jul 30, 2020 11:50 UTC │ Atlas V 541 | Perseverance │ StatusActive │ 145.00 │ Success │
Table schemas
You can view the schemas of the tables:
Display the schema of the astronauts
ibis.Schema {
id int32
number int32
nationwide_number int32
name string
original_name string
sex string
year_of_birth int32
nationality string
military_civilian string
selection string
year_of_selection int32
mission_number int32
total_number_of_missions int32
occupation string
year_of_mission int32
mission_title string
ascend_shuttle string
in_orbit string
descend_shuttle string
hours_mission float64
total_hrs_sum float64
field21 int32
eva_hrs_mission float64
total_eva_hrs float64
Display the schema of the missions
ibis.Schema {
id int32
company_name string
location string
date string
detail string
status_rocket string
cost float64
status_mission string
Selecting columns
With Ibis, you can run SQL-like queries on your tables. For example, you can select specific columns from a table:
1 t ="name" , "nationality" , "mission_title" , "mission_number" , "hours_mission" )
2 t.head(3 )
Select specific columns from the astronauts
Display the results.
┃ name ┃ nationality ┃ mission_title ┃ mission_number ┃ hours_mission ┃
│ string │ string │ string │ int32 │ float64 │
│ Gagarin, Yuri │ U.S.S.R/Russia │ Vostok 1 │ 1 │ 1.77 │
│ Titov, Gherman │ U.S.S.R/Russia │ Vostok 2 │ 1 │ 25.00 │
│ Glenn, John H., Jr. │ U.S. │ MA-6 │ 1 │ 5.00 │
And from the missions
1 t ="company_name" , "status_rocket" , "cost" , "status_mission" )
2 t.head(3 )
Select specific columns from the missions
Display the results.
┃ company_name ┃ status_rocket ┃ cost ┃ status_mission ┃
│ string │ string │ float64 │ string │
│ SpaceX │ StatusActive │ 50.00 │ Success │
│ CASC │ StatusActive │ 29.75 │ Success │
│ SpaceX │ StatusActive │ NULL │ Success │
You can also apply filters to your queries:
1 t = astronauts.filter (~ astronauts["nationality" ].like("U.S.%" ))
2 t.head(3 )
Filter astronauts
table by nationality.
Display the results.
┃ id ┃ number ┃ nationwide_number ┃ name ┃ original_name ┃ sex ┃ year_of_birth ┃ nationality ┃ military_civilian ┃ selection ┃ year_of_selection ┃ mission_number ┃ total_number_of_missions ┃ occupation ┃ year_of_mission ┃ mission_title ┃ ascend_shuttle ┃ in_orbit ┃ descend_shuttle ┃ hours_mission ┃ total_hrs_sum ┃ field21 ┃ eva_hrs_mission ┃ total_eva_hrs ┃
│ int32 │ int32 │ int32 │ string │ string │ string │ int32 │ string │ string │ string │ int32 │ int32 │ int32 │ string │ int32 │ string │ string │ string │ string │ float64 │ float64 │ int32 │ float64 │ float64 │
│ 68 │ 101 │ 1 │ Jugderdemidiin Gurragchaa │ Жүгдэрдэмидийн Гүррагчаа │ male │ 1947 │ Mongolia │ civilian │ 1978 Intercosmos Group │ 1978 │ 1 │ 1 │ flight engineer │ 1981 │ Soyuz 39 │ Soyuz 39 │ Soyuz 39 │ Soyuz 39 │ 188.7 │ 188.70 │ 0 │ 0.0 │ 0.00 │
│ 73 │ 103 │ 1 │ Dumitru Prunariu │ Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu │ male │ 1952 │ Romania │ civilian │ 1978 Intercosmos Group │ 1978 │ 1 │ 1 │ MSP │ 1981 │ Soyuz 40 │ Soyuz 40 │ Soyuz 40 │ Soyuz 40 │ 188.7 │ 188.70 │ 0 │ 0.0 │ 0.00 │
│ 81 │ 108 │ 1 │ Chrétien, Jean-Loup │ Chrétien, Jean-Loup │ male │ 1938 │ France │ military │ CNES-1 │ 1980 │ 1 │ 3 │ MSP │ 1982 │ Salyut 7 │ Soyuz T-6 │ Salyut 7 │ Soyuz T-6 │ 190.0 │ 1043.32 │ 0 │ 0.0 │ 5.95 │
And in the missions
1 t = missions.filter (missions["status_mission" ] == "Failure" )
2 t.head(3 )
Filter missions
table by mission status.
Display the results.
┃ id ┃ company_name ┃ location ┃ date ┃ detail ┃ status_rocket ┃ cost ┃ status_mission ┃
│ int32 │ string │ string │ string │ string │ string │ float64 │ string │
│ 11 │ ExPace │ Site 95, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China │ Fri Jul 10, 2020 04:17 UTC │ Kuaizhou 11 | Jilin-1 02E, CentiSpace-1 S2 │ StatusActive │ 28.3 │ Failure │
│ 15 │ Rocket Lab │ Rocket Lab LC-1A, M? \x81 hia Peninsula, New Zealand │ Sat Jul 04, 2020 21:19 UTC │ Electron/Curie | Pics Or It Didn??¦t Happen │ StatusActive │ 7.5 │ Failure │
│ 27 │ Virgin Orbit │ Cosmic Girl, Mojave Air and Space Port, California, USA │ Mon May 25, 2020 19:50 UTC │ LauncherOne | Demo Flight │ StatusActive │ 12.0 │ Failure │
Mutating columns
1 t = missions.mutate(date= ibis.coalesce(ibis._["date" ], None ))
2 t = t.order_by(t["date" ].asc())
3 t.head(3 )
Mutate the date
Order the results by the date
Display the results.
┃ id ┃ company_name ┃ location ┃ date ┃ detail ┃ status_rocket ┃ cost ┃ status_mission ┃
│ int32 │ string │ string │ string │ string │ string │ float64 │ string │
│ 4268 │ US Air Force │ SLC-17A, Cape Canaveral AFS, Florida, USA │ Fri Apr 01, 1960 11:40 UTC │ Thor DM-18 Able-II | TIROS-1 │ StatusRetired │ NULL │ Success │
│ 3366 │ RVSN USSR │ Site 43/3, Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Russia │ Fri Apr 02, 1971 08:20 UTC │ Voskhod | Cosmos 403 │ StatusRetired │ NULL │ Success │
│ 1262 │ Arianespace │ ELA-2, Guiana Space Centre, French Guiana, France │ Fri Apr 02, 1999 22:03 UTC │ Ariane 42P | Insat-2E │ StatusRetired │ NULL │ Success │
Aggregating and grouping results
Ibis also supports aggregate functions and grouping. For example, you can count the number of rows in a table and group the results by a specific column:
1 t = astronauts.filter (~ astronauts["nationality" ].like("U.S.%" )).agg(
2 ibis._.count().name("number_trips" ),
ibis._["hours_mission" ].max ().name("longest_time" ),
ibis._["hours_mission" ].min ().name("shortest_time" ),
3 t.head(3 )
Filter the astronauts
Aggregate the results.
Display the results.
┃ number_trips ┃ longest_time ┃ shortest_time ┃
│ int64 │ float64 │ float64 │
│ 149 │ 6902.35 │ 21.0 │
You can add a group by:
t = (
1 astronauts.filter (~ astronauts["nationality" ].like("U.S.%" ))
2 .group_by("nationality" )
3 .agg(
ibis._.count().name("number_trips" ),
ibis._["hours_mission" ].max ().name("longest_time" ),
ibis._["hours_mission" ].min ().name("shortest_time" ),
4 t.head(3 )
Filter the astronauts
Group by nationality
Aggregate the results.
Display the results.
┃ nationality ┃ number_trips ┃ longest_time ┃ shortest_time ┃
│ string │ int64 │ float64 │ float64 │
│ Hungry │ 1 │ 188.75 │ 188.75 │
│ Canada │ 18 │ 4887.00 │ 193.77 │
│ Saudi Arabia │ 1 │ 170.00 │ 170.00 │
And order the results by ‘number_trips’ and ‘longest_time’ in descending order:
t = (
1 astronauts.filter (~ astronauts["nationality" ].like("U.S.%" ))
2 .group_by("nationality" )
3 .agg(
ibis._.count().name("number_trips" ),
ibis._["hours_mission" ].max ().name("longest_time" ),
ibis._["hours_mission" ].min ().name("shortest_time" ),
4 .order_by([ibis.desc("number_trips" ), ibis.desc("longest_time" )])
5 t.head(3 )
Filter the astronauts
Group by nationality
Aggregate the results.
Order the result.
Display the results.
┃ nationality ┃ number_trips ┃ longest_time ┃ shortest_time ┃
│ string │ int64 │ float64 │ float64 │
│ Japan │ 20 │ 6902.35 │ 189.90 │
│ Canada │ 18 │ 4887.00 │ 193.77 │
│ France │ 18 │ 4721.83 │ 118.80 │
For the missions
table, you can group by ‘company_name’ and ‘status_rocket’, and then sum the ‘cost’:
t = (
1 missions.filter (missions["status_mission" ] == "Failure" )
2 .group_by(["company_name" , "status_rocket" ])
3 .agg(ibis._["cost" ].sum ().name("cost" ))
4 .order_by(ibis.desc("cost" ))
5 t.head(3 )
Filter the missions
Group by company_name
and status_rocket
Aggregate the results.
Order the results.
Display the results.
┃ company_name ┃ status_rocket ┃ cost ┃
│ string │ string │ float64 │
│ NASA │ StatusRetired │ 900.0 │
│ Northrop │ StatusActive │ 255.0 │
│ Arianespace │ StatusActive │ 237.0 │
Writing tables
Finally, let’s write a table back to Starburst Galaxy.
You cannot write to the sample catalog; uncomment the code and write to a catalog you have write access to.
#con.create_table("t", t, overwrite=True)
Next steps
Now that you’ve connected to Starburst Galaxy and learned the basics, you can query your own data. See the rest of the Ibis documentation or Starburst Galaxy documentation . You can open an issue if you run into one!
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