JSON expressions

Expressions for manipulating JSON values.


JSONValue(self, arg)

A json-like collection with dynamic keys and values.


Construct a table with a JSON column

>>> import json, ibis
>>> ibis.options.interactive = True
>>> rows = [{"js": json.dumps({"a": [i, 1]})} for i in range(2)]
>>> t = ibis.memtable(rows, schema=ibis.schema(dict(js="json")))
>>> t
┃ js           ┃
│ json         │
│ {'a': [...]} │
│ {'a': [...]} │

Extract the "a" field

>>> t.js["a"]
┃ JSONGetItem(js, 'a') ┃
│ json                 │
│ [0, 1]               │
│ [1, 1]               │

Extract the first element of the JSON array at "a"

>>> t.js["a"][0]
┃ JSONGetItem(JSONGetItem(js, 'a'), 0) ┃
│ json                                 │
│ 0                                    │
│ 1                                    │

Extract a non-existent field

>>> t.js["a"]["foo"]
┃ JSONGetItem(JSONGetItem(js, 'a'), 'foo') ┃
│ json                                     │
│ NULL                                     │
│ NULL                                     │

Try to extract an array element, returns NULL

>>> t.js[20]
┃ JSONGetItem(js, 20) ┃
│ json                │
│ NULL                │
│ NULL                │


Name Description
array Cast JSON to an array of JSON.
bool Unwrap a JSON value into a backend-native boolean.
float Unwrap a JSON value into a backend-native float.
int Unwrap a JSON value into a backend-native int.
map Cast JSON to a map of string to JSON.
str Unwrap a JSON string into a backend-native string.


Name Description
unwrap_as Unwrap JSON into a specific data type.



Unwrap JSON into a specific data type.


Name Type Description
Value An Ibis expression of a more specific type than JSON


>>> import ibis
>>> ibis.options.interactive = True
>>> data = {
...     "jstring": ['"a"', '""', None, "null"],
...     "jbool": ["true", "false", "null", None],
...     "jint": ["1", "null", None, "2"],
...     "jfloat": ["42.42", None, "null", "37.37"],
...     "jmap": ['{"a": 1}', "null", None, "{}"],
...     "jarray": ["[]", "null", None, '[{},"1",2]'],
... }
>>> t = ibis.memtable(data, schema=dict.fromkeys(data.keys(), "json"))
>>> t
┃ jstring  jbool  jint  jfloat  jmap      jarray               ┃
│ jsonjsonjsonjsonjsonjson                 │
│ 'a'True142.42{'a': 1}[]                   │
│ ''FalseNoneNULLNoneNone                 │
│ NULLNoneNULLNoneNULLNULL                 │
│ NoneNULL237.37{}[{...}, '1', ... +1] │
>>> t.select(unwrapped=t.jstring.unwrap_as(str), original=t.jstring)
┃ unwrapped  original ┃
│ stringjson     │
│ a        'a'      │
│ ~''       │
│ NULLNULL     │
│ NULLNone     │
>>> t.select(unwrapped=t.jbool.unwrap_as("bool"), original=t.jbool)
┃ unwrapped  original ┃
│ booleanjson     │
│ True      │ True     │
│ False     │ False    │
│ NULLNone     │
│ NULLNULL     │
>>> t.select(
...     unwrapped_int64=t.jint.unwrap_as("int64"),
...     unwrapped_int32=t.jint.unwrap_as("int32"),
...     original=t.jint,
... )
┃ unwrapped_int64  unwrapped_int32  original ┃
│ int64int32json     │
│               111        │
│            NULLNULLNone     │
│            NULLNULLNULL     │
│               222        │

You can cast to a more specific type than the types available in standards-compliant JSON.

Here’s an example of casting JSON numbers to float32:

>>> t.select(unwrapped=t.jfloat.unwrap_as("float32"), original=t.jfloat)
┃ unwrapped  original ┃
│ float32json     │
│ 42.41999842.42    │
│      NULLNULL     │
│      NULLNone     │
│ 37.36999937.37    │

You can cast JSON objects to a more specific map type:

>>> t.select(unwrapped=t.jmap.unwrap_as("map<string, int>"), original=t.jmap)
┃ unwrapped           original ┃
│ map<string, int64>json     │
│ {'a': 1}{'a': 1} │
│ NULLNone     │
│ NULLNULL     │
│ {}{}       │

You can cast JSON arrays to an array type as well. In this case the array values don’t have a single element type so we cast to array<json>.

>>> t.select(unwrapped=t.jarray.unwrap_as("array<json>"), original=t.jarray)
┃ unwrapped              original             ┃
│ array<json>json                 │
│ [][]                   │
│ NULLNone                 │
│ NULLNULL                 │
│ ['{}', '"1"', ... +1][{...}, '1', ... +1] │

See Also

JSONValue.str JSONValue.int JSONValue.float JSONValue.bool JSONValue.map JSONValue.array Value.cast

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