import ibis
= ibis.connect("duckdb://local.ddb") con
URL format
Install Ibis and dependencies for the DuckDB backend:
Install with the duckdb
pip install 'ibis-framework[duckdb]'
And connect:
import ibis
= ibis.duckdb.connect() con
- 1
- Adjust connection parameters as needed.
Install for DuckDB:
conda install -c conda-forge ibis-duckdb
And connect:
import ibis
= ibis.duckdb.connect() con
- 1
- Adjust connection parameters as needed.
Install for DuckDB:
mamba install -c conda-forge ibis-duckdb
And connect:
import ibis
= ibis.duckdb.connect() con
- 1
- Adjust connection parameters as needed.
Connect to an in-memory database:
= ibis.duckdb.connect() con
Connect to, or create, a local DuckDB file
= ibis.duckdb.connect("mydb.duckdb") con
is a thin wrapper around ibis.backends.duckdb.Backend.do_connect
Connection Parameters
do_connect(self, database=':memory:', read_only=False, extensions=None, **config)
Create an Ibis client connected to a DuckDB database.
Before, we had special handling if the user passed the temp_directory
parameter, setting a custom default, and creating intermediate directories if necessary. Now, we do nothing, and just pass the value directly to DuckDB. You may need to add Path(your_temp_dir).mkdir(exists_ok=True, parents=True)
to your code to maintain the old behavior.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
database | str | Path | Path to a duckdb database. | ':memory:' |
read_only | bool | Whether the database is read-only. | False |
extensions | Sequence[str] | None | A list of duckdb extensions to install/load upon connection. | None |
config | Any | DuckDB configuration parameters. See the DuckDB configuration documentation for possible configuration values. | {} |
>>> import ibis
>>> ibis.duckdb.connect(threads=4, memory_limit="1GB")
<ibis.backends.duckdb.Backend object at 0x...>
In addition to ibis.duckdb.connect
, you can also connect to DuckDB by passing a properly-formatted DuckDB connection URL to ibis.connect
Given an empty path, ibis.connect
will connect to an ephemeral, in-memory database.
= ibis.connect("duckdb://") con
Cloud bucket reads
DuckDB has a secret management system that is designed to support reading data from both public and private cloud blob storage systems like Amazon’s S3.
To make your life easier, you should probably start with the CREDENTIAL_CHAIN
provider, which mimics the default behavior of the aws
CLI and SDKs.
Ibis doesn’t have an Ibis-native API for dealing with DuckDB’s secrets, but you can of course run raw_sql
to set them up:
<duckdb.duckdb.DuckDBPyConnection at 0x7ffff0ed5a70>
Assuming you’ve got the appropriate authorizations in AWS, this should allow DuckDB to read from any bucket you’re authorized to access.
The DuckDB backend supports MotherDuck. If you have an account, you can connect to MotherDuck by passing in the string md:
or motherduck:
. ibis
will trigger the authentication prompt in-browser.
import ibis
= ibis.duckdb.connect("md:") con
Authentication to MotherDuck will trigger on the first call that requires retrieving information (in this case list_tables
con.list_tables()open the SSO authorization page in your default browser.
Attempting to automatically 1. Please open this link to login into your account:
2. Enter the following code: ZSRQ-GJQS
Token successfully retrieved ✅as an environment variable to avoid having to log in again:
You can store it ='****************'
$ export motherduck_token
'penguins'] [
The DuckDB backend has experimental support for geospatial operations.
To enable geospatial operations, install the geospatial
extra or otherwise install the additional required dependencies:
See read_geo
for some tips on reading in geospatial data.
pip install 'ibis-framework[geospatial]'
conda install -c conda-forge ibis-framework geopandas 'shapely>=2,<3'
mamba install -c conda-forge ibis-framework geopandas 'shapely>=2,<3'
attach(self, path, name=None, read_only=False)
Attach another DuckDB database to the current DuckDB session.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
path | str | Path | Path to the database to attach. | required |
name | str | None | Name to attach the database as. Defaults to the basename of path . |
None |
read_only | bool | Whether to attach the database as read-only. | False |
attach_sqlite(self, path, overwrite=False, all_varchar=False)
Attach a SQLite database to the current DuckDB session.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
path | str | Path | The path to the SQLite database. | required |
overwrite | bool | Allow overwriting any tables or views that already exist in your current session with the contents of the SQLite database. | False |
all_varchar | bool | Set all SQLite columns to type VARCHAR to avoid type errors on ingestion. |
False |
>>> import ibis
>>> import sqlite3
>>> con = sqlite3.connect("/tmp/attach_sqlite.db")
>>> with con:
... con.execute("CREATE TABLE t (a INT, b TEXT)")
... con.execute(
... con.execute("INSERT INTO t VALUES (1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')"
... )<...>
>>> con.close()
>>> con = ibis.connect("duckdb://")
>>> con.list_tables()
[]>>> con.attach_sqlite("/tmp/attach_sqlite.db")
>>> con.list_tables()
't'] [
compile(self, expr, /, *, limit=None, params=None, pretty=False)
Compile an expression to a SQL string.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
expr | ir.Expr | An ibis expression to compile. | required |
limit | str | int | None | An integer to effect a specific row limit. A value of None means no limit. |
None |
params | Mapping[ir.Expr, Any] | None | Mapping of scalar parameter expressions to value. | None |
pretty | bool | Pretty print the SQL query during compilation. | False |
Name | Type | Description |
str | Compiled expression |
connect(self, *args, **kwargs)
Connect to the database.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
*args | Mandatory connection parameters, see the docstring of do_connect for details. |
() |
**kwargs | Extra connection parameters, see the docstring of do_connect for details. |
{} |
This creates a new backend instance with saved args
and kwargs
, then calls reconnect
and finally returns the newly created and connected backend instance.
Name | Type | Description |
BaseBackend | An instance of the backend |
create_database(self, name, /, *, catalog=None, force=False)
Create a database named name
in catalog
Name | Type | Description | Default |
name | str | Name of the database to create. | required |
catalog | str | None | Name of the catalog in which to create the database. If None , the current catalog is used. |
None |
force | bool | If False , an exception is raised if the database exists. |
False |
create_table(self, name, /, obj=None, *, schema=None, database=None, temp=False, overwrite=False)
Create a table in DuckDB.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
name | str | Name of the table to create | required |
obj | ir.Table | pd.DataFrame | pa.Table | pl.DataFrame | pl.LazyFrame | None | The data with which to populate the table; optional, but at least one of obj or schema must be specified |
None |
schema | SchemaLike | None | The schema of the table to create; optional, but at least one of obj or schema must be specified |
None |
database | str | None | The name of the database in which to create the table; if not passed, the current database is used. For multi-level table hierarchies, you can pass in a dotted string path like "catalog.database" or a tuple of strings like ("catalog", "database") . |
None |
temp | bool | Create a temporary table | False |
overwrite | bool | If True , replace the table if it already exists, otherwise fail if the table exists |
False |
create_view(self, name, /, obj, *, database=None, overwrite=False)
Create a view from an Ibis expression.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
name | str | The name of the view to create. | required |
obj | ir.Table | The Ibis expression to create the view from. | required |
database | str | None | The database that the view should be created in. | None |
overwrite | bool | If True , replace an existing view with the same name. |
False |
Name | Type | Description |
ir.Table | A table expression representing the view. |
detach(self, name)
Detach a database from the current DuckDB session.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
name | str | The name of the database to detach. | required |
Disconnect from the backend.
drop_database(self, name, /, *, catalog=None, force=False)
Drop the database with name
in catalog
Name | Type | Description | Default |
name | str | Name of the schema to drop. | required |
catalog | str | None | Name of the catalog to drop the database from. If None , the current catalog is used. |
None |
force | bool | If False , an exception is raised if the database does not exist. |
False |
drop_table(self, name, /, *, database=None, force=False)
Drop a table from the backend.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
name | str | The name of the table to drop | required |
database | tuple[str, str] | str | None | The database that the table is located in. | None |
force | bool | If True , do not raise an error if the table does not exist. |
False |
drop_view(self, name, /, *, database=None, force=False)
Drop a view from the backend.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
name | str | The name of the view to drop. | required |
database | str | None | The database that the view is located in. | None |
force | bool | If True , do not raise an error if the view does not exist. |
False |
execute(self, expr, /, *, params=None, limit=None, **kwargs)
Execute an expression.
from_connection(cls, con, /, *, extensions=None)
Create an Ibis client from an existing connection to a DuckDB database.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
con | duckdb.DuckDBPyConnection | An existing connection to a DuckDB database. | required |
extensions | Sequence[str] | None | A list of duckdb extensions to install/load upon connection. | None |
get_schema(self, table_name, *, catalog=None, database=None)
Compute the schema of a table
Name | Type | Description | Default |
table_name | str | May not be fully qualified. Use database if you want to qualify the identifier. |
required |
catalog | str | None | Catalog name | None |
database | str | None | Database name | None |
Name | Type | Description |
sch.Schema | Ibis schema |
has_operation(cls, operation, /)
Return whether the backend supports the given operation.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
operation | type[ops.Value] | Operation type, a Python class object. | required |
insert(self, name, /, obj, *, database=None, overwrite=False)
Insert data into a table.
to refer to database hierarchy.
A collection of table
is referred to as a database
. A collection of database
is referred to as a catalog
These terms are mapped onto the corresponding features in each backend (where available), regardless of whether the backend itself uses the same terminology.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
name | str | The name of the table to which data needs will be inserted | required |
obj | pd.DataFrame | ir.Table | list | dict | The source data or expression to insert | required |
database | str | None | Name of the attached database that the table is located in. For backends that support multi-level table hierarchies, you can pass in a dotted string path like "catalog.database" or a tuple of strings like ("catalog", "database") . |
None |
overwrite | bool | If True then replace existing contents of table |
False |
list_catalogs(self, *, like=None)
list_databases(self, *, like=None, catalog=None)
List existing databases in the current connection.
to refer to database hierarchy.
A collection of table
is referred to as a database
. A collection of database
is referred to as a catalog
These terms are mapped onto the corresponding features in each backend (where available), regardless of whether the backend itself uses the same terminology.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
like | str | None | A pattern in Python’s regex format to filter returned database names. | None |
catalog | str | None | The catalog to list databases from. If None , the current catalog is searched. |
None |
Name | Type | Description |
list[str] | The database names that exist in the current connection, that match the like pattern if provided. |
list_tables(self, *, like=None, database=None)
List tables and views.
to refer to database hierarchy.
A collection of tables is referred to as a database
. A collection of database
is referred to as a catalog
These terms are mapped onto the corresponding features in each backend (where available), regardless of whether the backend itself uses the same terminology.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
like | str | None | Regex to filter by table/view name. | None |
database | tuple[str, str] | str | None | Database location. If not passed, uses the current database. By default uses the current database (self.current_database ) and catalog (self.current_catalog ). To specify a table in a separate catalog, you can pass in the catalog and database as a string "catalog.database" , or as a tuple of strings ("catalog", "database") . |
None |
Name | Type | Description |
list[str] | List of table and view names. |
>>> import ibis
>>> con = ibis.duckdb.connect()
>>> foo = con.create_table("foo", schema=ibis.schema(dict(a="int")))
>>> con.list_tables()
[>>> bar = con.create_view("bar", foo)
>>> con.list_tables()
'bar', 'foo']
[>>> con.create_database("my_database")
>>> con.list_tables(database="my_database")
[]>>> con.raw_sql("CREATE TABLE my_database.baz (a INTEGER)")
<duckdb.duckdb.DuckDBPyConnection object at 0x...>
>>> con.list_tables(database="my_database")
'baz'] [
load_extension(self, extension, force_install=False)
Install and load a duckdb extension by name or path.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
extension | str | The extension name or path. | required |
force_install | bool | Force reinstallation of the extension. | False |
raw_sql(self, query, **kwargs)
read_csv(self, paths, /, *, table_name=None, columns=None, types=None, **kwargs)
Register a CSV file as a table in the current database.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
paths | str | list[str] | tuple[str] | The data source(s). May be a path to a file or directory of CSV files, or an iterable of CSV files. | required |
table_name | str | None | An optional name to use for the created table. This defaults to a sequentially generated name. | None |
columns | Mapping[str, str | dt.DataType] | None | An optional mapping of all column names to their types. | None |
types | Mapping[str, str | dt.DataType] | None | An optional mapping of a subset of column names to their types. | None |
**kwargs | Any | Additional keyword arguments passed to DuckDB loading function. See for more information. | {} |
Name | Type | Description |
ir.Table | The just-registered table |
Generate some data
>>> import tempfile
>>> data = b'''
... lat,lon,geom
... 1.0,2.0,POINT (1 2)
... 2.0,3.0,POINT (2 3)
... '''
>>> with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f:
= f.write(data) ... nbytes
Import Ibis
>>> import ibis
>>> from ibis import _
>>> ibis.options.interactive = True
>>> con = ibis.duckdb.connect()
Read the raw CSV file
>>> t = con.read_csv(
>>> t
┃ lat ┃ lon ┃ geom ┃
│ float64 │ float64 │ string │
├─────────┼─────────┼─────────────┤1.0 │ 2.0 │ POINT (1 2) │
│ 2.0 │ 3.0 │ POINT (2 3) │
│ └─────────┴─────────┴─────────────┘
Load the spatial
extension and read the CSV file again, using specific column types
>>> con.load_extension("spatial")
>>> t = con.read_csv(, types={"geom": "geometry"})
>>> t
┃ lat ┃ lon ┃ geom ┃
│ float64 │ float64 │ geospatial:geometry │
├─────────┼─────────┼──────────────────────┤1.0 │ 2.0 │ <POINT (1 2)> │
│ 2.0 │ 3.0 │ <POINT (2 3)> │
│ └─────────┴─────────┴──────────────────────┘
read_delta(self, path, /, *, table_name=None, **kwargs)
Register a Delta Lake table as a table in the current database.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
path | str | Path | The data source. Must be a directory containing a Delta Lake table. | required |
table_name | str | None | An optional name to use for the created table. This defaults to a sequentially generated name. | None |
kwargs | Any | Additional keyword arguments passed to deltalake.DeltaTable. | {} |
Name | Type | Description |
ir.Table | The just-registered table. |
read_geo(self, path, /, *, table_name=None, **kwargs)
Register a geospatial data file as a table in the current database.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
path | str | The data source(s). Path to a file of geospatial files supported by duckdb. See—read-spatial-data-from-files | required |
table_name | str | None | An optional name to use for the created table. This defaults to a sequentially generated name. | None |
kwargs | Any | Additional keyword arguments passed to DuckDB loading function. See—read-spatial-data-from-files for more information. | {} |
Name | Type | Description |
ir.Table | The just-registered table |
read_json(self, paths, /, *, table_name=None, columns=None, **kwargs)
Read newline-delimited JSON into an ibis table.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
paths | str | list[str] | tuple[str] | File or list of files | required |
table_name | str | None | Optional table name | None |
columns | Mapping[str, str] | None | Optional mapping from string column name to duckdb type string. | None |
**kwargs | Additional keyword arguments passed to DuckDB’s read_json_auto function. See for parameters and more information about reading JSON. |
{} |
Name | Type | Description |
Table | An ibis table expression |
read_mysql(self, uri, /, *, catalog, table_name=None)
Register a table from a MySQL instance into a DuckDB table.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
uri | str | A mysql URI of the form mysql://user:password@host:port/database |
required |
catalog | str | User-defined alias given to the MySQL database that is being attached to DuckDB | required |
table_name | str | None | The table to read | None |
Name | Type | Description |
ir.Table | The just-registered table. |
read_parquet(self, paths, /, *, table_name=None, **kwargs)
Register a parquet file as a table in the current database.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
paths | str | Path | Iterable[str | Path] | The data source(s). May be a path to a file, an iterable of files, or directory of parquet files. | required |
table_name | str | None | An optional name to use for the created table. This defaults to a sequentially generated name. | None |
**kwargs | Any | Additional keyword arguments passed to DuckDB loading function. See for more information. | {} |
Name | Type | Description |
ir.Table | The just-registered table |
read_postgres(self, uri, /, *, table_name=None, database='public')
Register a table from a postgres instance into a DuckDB table.
to refer to database hierarchy.
A collection of table
is referred to as a database
. A collection of database
is referred to as a catalog
These terms are mapped onto the corresponding features in each backend (where available), regardless of whether the backend itself uses the same terminology.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
uri | str | A postgres URI of the form postgres://user:password@host:port |
required |
table_name | str | None | The table to read | None |
database | str | PostgreSQL database (schema) where table_name resides |
'public' |
Name | Type | Description |
ir.Table | The just-registered table. |
read_sqlite(self, path, /, *, table_name=None)
Register a table from a SQLite database into a DuckDB table.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
path | str | Path | The path to the SQLite database | required |
table_name | str | None | The table to read | None |
Name | Type | Description |
ir.Table | The just-registered table. |
>>> import ibis
>>> import sqlite3
>>> ibis.options.interactive = True
>>> con = sqlite3.connect("/tmp/sqlite.db")
>>> with con:
... con.execute("CREATE TABLE t (a INT, b TEXT)")
... con.execute(
... con.execute("INSERT INTO t VALUES (1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')"
... )<...>
>>> con.close()
>>> con = ibis.connect("duckdb://")
>>> t = con.read_sqlite("/tmp/sqlite.db", table_name="t")
>>> t
┃ a ┃ b ┃
│ int64 │ string │
├───────┼────────┤1 │ a │
│ 2 │ b │
│ 3 │ c │
│ └───────┴────────┘
Reconnect to the database already configured with connect.
register_filesystem(self, filesystem)
Register an fsspec
filesystem object with DuckDB.
This allow a user to read from any fsspec
compatible filesystem using read_csv
, read_parquet
, read_json
, etc.
Creating an fsspec
filesystem requires that the corresponding backend-specific fsspec
helper library is installed.
e.g. to connect to Google Cloud Storage, gcsfs
must be installed.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
filesystem | AbstractFileSystem | The fsspec filesystem object to register with DuckDB. See for details. | required |
>>> import ibis
>>> import fsspec
>>> ibis.options.interactive = True
>>> gcs = fsspec.filesystem("gcs")
>>> con = ibis.duckdb.connect()
>>> con.register_filesystem(gcs)
>>> t = con.read_csv(
... ="band_members",
... table_name
... )>>> t
┃ name ┃ band ┃
│ string │ string │
│ Mick │ Stones │
│ John │ Beatles │
│ Paul │ Beatles │ └────────┴─────────┘
Register custom backend options.
rename_table(self, old_name, new_name)
Rename an existing table.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
old_name | str | The old name of the table. | required |
new_name | str | The new name of the table. | required |
sql(self, query, /, *, schema=None, dialect=None)
Create an Ibis table expression from a SQL query.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
query | str | A SQL query string | required |
schema | SchemaLike | None | The schema of the query. If not provided, Ibis will try to infer the schema of the query. | None |
dialect | str | None | The SQL dialect of the query. If not provided, the backend’s dialect is assumed. This argument can be useful when the query is written in a different dialect from the backend. | None |
Name | Type | Description |
ir.Table | The table expression representing the query |
table(self, name, /, *, database=None)
Construct a table expression.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
name | str | Table name | required |
database | str | None | Database name | None |
Name | Type | Description |
Table | Table expression |
to_csv(self, expr, /, path, *, params=None, header=True, **kwargs)
Write the results of executing the given expression to a CSV file.
This method is eager and will execute the associated expression immediately.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
expr | ir.Table | The ibis expression to execute and persist to CSV. | required |
path | str | Path | The data source. A string or Path to the CSV file. | required |
params | Mapping[ir.Scalar, Any] | None | Mapping of scalar parameter expressions to value. | None |
header | bool | Whether to write the column names as the first line of the CSV file. | True |
kwargs | Any | DuckDB CSV writer arguments. | {} |
to_delta(self, expr, /, path, *, params=None, **kwargs)
Write the results of executing the given expression to a Delta Lake table.
This method is eager and will execute the associated expression immediately.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
expr | ir.Table | The ibis expression to execute and persist to Delta Lake table. | required |
path | str | Path | The data source. A string or Path to the Delta Lake table. | required |
params | Mapping[ir.Scalar, Any] | None | Mapping of scalar parameter expressions to value. | None |
kwargs | Any | Additional keyword arguments passed to deltalake.writer.write_deltalake method | {} |
to_geo(self, expr, /, path, *, format, layer_creation_options=None, params=None, limit=None, **kwargs)
Write the results of executing expr
to a geospatial output.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
expr | ir.Table | Ibis expression to execute and persist to geospatial output. | required |
path | str | Path | A string or Path to the desired output file location. | required |
format | str | The format of the geospatial output. One of GDAL’s supported vector formats. The list of vector formats is located here: | required |
layer_creation_options | Mapping[str, Any] | None | A mapping of layer creation options. | None |
params | Mapping[ir.Scalar, Any] | None | Mapping of scalar parameter expressions to value. | None |
limit | int | str | None | An integer to effect a specific row limit. A value of None means no limit. |
None |
kwargs | Any | Additional keyword arguments passed to the DuckDB COPY command. |
{} |
>>> import os
>>> import tempfile
>>> import ibis
>>> ibis.options.interactive = True
>>> from ibis import _
Load some geospatial data
>>> con = ibis.duckdb.connect()
>>> zones = ibis.examples.zones.fetch(backend=con)
>>> zones[["zone", "geom"]].head()
┃ zone ┃ geom ┃
│ string │ geospatial:geometry │
├───────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤<POLYGON ((933100.918 192536.086, │
│ │ 933091.011 192572.175, 933088.585 │
│ Newark Airport │ 192604.9...> │
│ │ <MULTIPOLYGON (((1033269.244 │
│ │ 172126.008, 1033439.643 170883.946, │
│ Jamaica Bay │ 1033473.265...> │
│ │ <POLYGON ((1026308.77 256767.698, │
│ │ /Pelham Gardens │ 1026495.593 256638.616, 1026567.23 │
│ Allerton256589....> │
│ │ <POLYGON ((992073.467 203714.076, │
│ │ 992068.667 203711.502, 992061.716 │
│ Alphabet City │ 203711.7...> │
│ │ <POLYGON ((935843.31 144283.336, │
│ │ 936046.565 144173.418, 936387.922 │
│ Arden Heights │ 143967.75...> │
│ │ └───────────────────────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────┘
Write to a GeoJSON file
>>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
... con.to_geo(
... zones,=os.path.join(tmpdir, "zones.geojson"),
... pathformat="geojson",
... ... )
Write to a Shapefile
>>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
... con.to_geo(
... zones,=os.path.join(tmpdir, "zones.shp"),
... pathformat="ESRI Shapefile",
... ... )
to_json(self, expr, /, path, *, compression='auto', dateformat=None, timestampformat=None)
Write the results of expr
to a json file of [{column -> value}, …] objects.
This method is eager and will execute the associated expression immediately. See for more info.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
expr | ir.Table | The ibis expression to execute and persist to Delta Lake table. | required |
path | str | Path | URLs such as S3 buckets are supported. | required |
compression | Literal['auto', 'none', 'gzip', 'zstd'] | Compression codec to use. One of “auto”, “none”, “gzip”, “zstd”. | 'auto' |
dateformat | str | None | Date format string. | None |
timestampformat | str | None | Timestamp format string. | None |
to_pandas(self, expr, /, *, params=None, limit=None, **kwargs)
Execute an Ibis expression and return a pandas DataFrame
, Series
, or scalar.
This method is a wrapper around execute
Name | Type | Description | Default |
expr | ir.Expr | Ibis expression to execute. | required |
params | Mapping[ir.Scalar, Any] | None | Mapping of scalar parameter expressions to value. | None |
limit | int | str | None | An integer to effect a specific row limit. A value of None means no limit. The default is in ibis/ . |
None |
kwargs | Any | Keyword arguments | {} |
to_pandas_batches(self, expr, /, *, params=None, limit=None, chunk_size=1000000, **kwargs)
Execute an Ibis expression and return an iterator of pandas DataFrame
Name | Type | Description | Default |
expr | ir.Expr | Ibis expression to execute. | required |
params | Mapping[ir.Scalar, Any] | None | Mapping of scalar parameter expressions to value. | None |
limit | int | str | None | An integer to effect a specific row limit. A value of None means no limit. The default is in ibis/ . |
None |
chunk_size | int | Maximum number of rows in each returned DataFrame batch. This may have no effect depending on the backend. |
1000000 |
kwargs | Any | Keyword arguments | {} |
Name | Type | Description |
Iterator[pd.DataFrame] | An iterator of pandas DataFrame s. |
to_parquet(self, expr, /, path, *, params=None, **kwargs)
Write the results of executing the given expression to a parquet file.
This method is eager and will execute the associated expression immediately.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
expr | ir.Table | The ibis expression to execute and persist to parquet. | required |
path | str | Path | The data source. A string or Path to the parquet file. | required |
params | Mapping[ir.Scalar, Any] | None | Mapping of scalar parameter expressions to value. | None |
**kwargs | Any | DuckDB Parquet writer arguments. See for details. | {} |
Write out an expression to a single parquet file.
>>> import ibis
>>> penguins = ibis.examples.penguins.fetch()
>>> con = ibis.get_backend(penguins)
>>> con.to_parquet(penguins, "/tmp/penguins.parquet")
Write out an expression to a hive-partitioned parquet file.
>>> import tempfile
>>> penguins = ibis.examples.penguins.fetch()
>>> con = ibis.get_backend(penguins)
Partition on a single column.
>>> con.to_parquet(penguins, tempfile.mkdtemp(), partition_by="year")
Partition on multiple columns.
>>> con.to_parquet(penguins, tempfile.mkdtemp(), partition_by=("year", "island"))
to_parquet_dir(self, expr, /, directory, *, params=None, **kwargs)
Write the results of executing the given expression to a parquet file in a directory.
This method is eager and will execute the associated expression immediately.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
expr | ir.Table | The ibis expression to execute and persist to parquet. | required |
directory | str | Path | The data source. A string or Path to the directory where the parquet file will be written. | required |
params | Mapping[ir.Scalar, Any] | None | Mapping of scalar parameter expressions to value. | None |
**kwargs | Any | Additional keyword arguments passed to pyarrow.dataset.write_dataset | {} |
https | required |
to_polars(self, expr, /, *, params=None, limit=None, **kwargs)
Execute expression and return results in as a polars DataFrame.
This method is eager and will execute the associated expression immediately.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
expr | ir.Expr | Ibis expression to export to polars. | required |
params | Mapping[ir.Scalar, Any] | None | Mapping of scalar parameter expressions to value. | None |
limit | int | str | None | An integer to effect a specific row limit. A value of None means no limit. The default is in ibis/ . |
None |
kwargs | Any | Keyword arguments | {} |
Name | Type | Description |
dataframe | A polars DataFrame holding the results of the executed expression. |
to_pyarrow(self, expr, /, *, params=None, limit=None, **kwargs)
Execute expression and return results in as a pyarrow table.
This method is eager and will execute the associated expression immediately.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
expr | ir.Expr | Ibis expression to export to pyarrow | required |
params | Mapping[ir.Scalar, Any] | None | Mapping of scalar parameter expressions to value. | None |
limit | int | str | None | An integer to effect a specific row limit. A value of None means no limit. The default is in ibis/ . |
None |
kwargs | Any | Keyword arguments | {} |
Name | Type | Description |
Table | A pyarrow table holding the results of the executed expression. |
to_pyarrow_batches(self, expr, /, *, params=None, limit=None, chunk_size=1000000, **_)
Return a stream of record batches.
The returned RecordBatchReader
contains a cursor with an unbounded lifetime.
For analytics use cases this is usually nothing to fret about. In some cases you may need to explicit release the cursor.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
expr | ir.Expr | Ibis expression | required |
params | Mapping[ir.Scalar, Any] | None | Bound parameters | None |
limit | int | str | None | Limit the result to this number of rows | None |
chunk_size | int | The number of rows to fetch per batch | 1000000 |
to_torch(self, expr, /, *, params=None, limit=None, **kwargs)
Execute an expression and return results as a dictionary of torch tensors.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
expr | ir.Expr | Ibis expression to execute. | required |
params | Mapping[ir.Scalar, Any] | None | Parameters to substitute into the expression. | None |
limit | int | str | None | An integer to effect a specific row limit. A value of None means no limit. |
None |
kwargs | Any | Keyword arguments passed into the backend’s to_torch implementation. |
{} |
Name | Type | Description |
dict[str, torch.Tensor] | A dictionary of torch tensors, keyed by column name. |
truncate_table(self, name, /, *, database=None)
Delete all rows from a table.
to refer to database hierarchy.
A collection of tables is referred to as a database
. A collection of database
is referred to as a catalog
. These terms are mapped onto the corresponding features in each backend (where available), regardless of whether the backend itself uses the same terminology.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
name | str | Table name | required |
database | str | None | Name of the attached database that the table is located in. For backends that support multi-level table hierarchies, you can pass in a dotted string path like "catalog.database" or a tuple of strings like ("catalog", "database") . |
None |