Ibis benchmarking: DuckDB, DataFusion, Polars


Cody Peterson


June 24, 2024

The best benchmark is your own workload on your own data.

Key considerations

The purpose of this post is to explore some benchmarking data with Ibis. We’ll compare three modern single-node query engines, explore the Ibis API as a great choice for each of them, and discuss the results.

The benchmark

Not an official TPC-H benchmark

This is not an official TPC-H benchmark. We ran a derivate of the TPC-H benchmark.

The TPC-H benchmark is a benchmark for databases and, increasingly, dataframes! It consists of 22 queries across 8 tables. The SQL (or dataframe) code representing the queries is designed to test the performance of a query engine on a variety of tasks including filtering, aggregation, and joins. SQL queries are defined by the TPC-H benchmark. We run the SQL queries and equivalent dataframe code via Ibis and Polars APIs.

The data for the benchmark can be generated at any scale factor, which roughly corresponds to the size of the data in memory in gigabytes. For instance, a scale factor of 10 would be about 10GB of data in memory.

The engines, the API, the code

We’ll use three modern single-node OLAP engines (DuckDB, DataFusion, Polars) with the Ibis API via two coding paradigms (dataframe and SQL). Ibis provides a consistent API across 20+ backends, including these three. We run SQL code through Ibis in addition to dataframe code to get a sense of any overhead in Ibis dataframe code.


Ibis dataframe code generates SQL for the DuckDB and DataFusion backends and generates Polars API dataframe code for the Polars backend.

chDB would be another great single-node OLAP engine to benchmark. We don’t because it’s not currently a backend for Ibis, though there has been work done to make it one.

If you’re interested in contributing to Ibis, a new backend like chDB could be a great project for you!

9/22 queries for Ibis with the Polars backend fail from lack of scalar subquery support. Due to this and relatively experimental SQL support in Polars, we’ve opted to run on the Polars API directly in this iteration of the benchmark. This is done with the LazyFrames API and no streaming engine (per the Polars team’s recommendation). This also allows us to compare the performance of the Polars backend through Ibis with the Polars API directly for the queries that do succeed.

Failing queries

Queries fail for one of two reasons:

  1. The query doesn’t work in the given system
  2. The query otherwise failed on a given run

We’ll note the cases of the first below. The second is usually due to memory pressure and will be seen at higher scale factors throughout the data.

Failing DataFusion queries

Queries 16, 21, and 22 fail for the DataFusion backend via Ibis dataframe code, and query 16 fails through SQL. Note that all TPC-H SQL queries successfully run through DataFusion directly – Ibis generates SQL that hits a bug with DataFusion that has already been fixed. We expect these queries to work in the next iteration of this benchmark coming soon.

Failing Polars queries

Queries 11, 13-17, and 20-22 fail for the Polars backend via Ibis dataframe code. These all fail due to lack of scalar subquery support in the backend. I’ve opened an issue for tracking and discussion.

Interested in contributing?

Increasing coverage of operations for a backend is a great place to start!

How queries are written

See the source code for the exact queries used in this iteration of the benchmark. Polars recently updated their TPC-H queries, so the next iteration of this benchmark would use those.

Queries were adapted from Ibis TPC-H queries and Polars TPC-H queries. The first 10 Ibis dataframe queries were translated from the Polars dataframe queries, while the rest were directly adapted from the Ibis repository. The SQL strings were adapted from the Ibis repository.

How queries are run

See the source code and methodology for more details. In short:

  • data is generated as a Parquet file per table
    • standard DuckDB Parquet writer is used
    • data is always downloaded onto a compute instance (no cloud storage reads)
  • decimal types are converted to floats after reading
    • works around several issues
    • in the next iteration of this benchmark, we’ll use the decimal type
  • each query is run three times per configuration (system, scale factor, instance type)
  • we measure the time to write the results of the query to a Parquet file
    • this includes reading the Parquet file(s) and executing the query


My name is Cody and I’m a Senior Technical Product Manager at Voltron Data. I am a contributor to the Ibis project and employed to work on it – I’m biased in favor of Ibis and the composable data ecosystem.

Ibis is an independently governed open source project that is not owned by Voltron Data, though several steering committee members are employed by Voltron Data. You can read more about why Voltron Data supports Ibis, in addition to open source projects like Apache Arrow and Substrait.

Voltron Data is a Gold Supporter of the DuckDB Foundation and has a commercial relationship with DuckDB Labs with regular syncs I tend to attend. I also use MotherDuck to host our Ibis analytics dashboard data.

Results and analysis

We’ll use Ibis to analyze some of the benchmarking data.


We’ll only look at a small subset of the data in this post.

All the data is public, so you can follow along with the code and explore the data yourself. You can also see the Ibis benchmarking Streamlit app for further analysis.

Reading the data

To follow along, install the required Python packages:

pip install gcsfs 'ibis-framework[duckdb]' plotly

The data is stored in a public Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket:

import os
import gcsfs

BUCKET = "ibis-bench"

dir_name = os.path.join(BUCKET, "bench_logs_v2", "cache")

fs = gcsfs.GCSFileSystem()
The public GCS bucket name
The directory in the bucket where the data is stored
Create a GCS filesystem object
List the last 5 files in the directory

To start exploring the data, let’s import Ibis and Plotly, set some options, and register the GCS filesystem with the default (DuckDB) backend:

import ibis
import plotly.express as px

px.defaults.template = "plotly_dark"

ibis.options.interactive = True
ibis.options.repr.interactive.max_rows = 22
ibis.options.repr.interactive.max_length = 22
ibis.options.repr.interactive.max_columns = None

con = ibis.get_backend()
Import Ibis
Import Plotly
Set the Plotly template to dark
Enable interactive mode for Ibis
Set the maximum number of rows to display in interactive mode
Set the maximum length of nested types to display in interactive mode
Set the maximum number of columns to display in interactive mode
Get the default (DuckDB) backend
Register the GCS filesystem with the default backend

Now read the data and take a look at the first few rows:

t = (
Assign the table to a variable
Read the Parquet files from GCS
Cast the timestamp column to a timestamp type
Reorder the columns
Cache the table to avoid re-reading cloud data
Display the first few rows
┃ instance_type  system           sf     query_number  execution_seconds  timestamp                   session_id                            n_partitions  file_type  file_id                                      ┃
│ stringstringint64int64float64timestamp(6)uuidint64stringstring                                       │
│ n2-standard-4polars-lazy    128169.5036132024-06-10 08:04:31.233704 │ 6708e5d3-2b8c-4ce0-adf8-65ce94e0bff1 │            1parquet  0949deaf-5f8f-4c29-b2ca-934e07173223.parquet │
│ n2-standard-4ibis-duckdb    64735.8262952024-06-10 21:05:18.423375 │ 9a00385f-22b4-42df-ab3d-c63ed1a33a2e │            1parquet  0949deaf-5f8f-4c29-b2ca-934e07173223.parquet │
│ n2-standard-4ibis-duckdb    128167.3761962024-06-11 03:44:22.901852 │ acb56c6b-b0d5-4bbc-8791-3542b62bd193 │            1parquet  0949deaf-5f8f-4c29-b2ca-934e07173223.parquet │
│ n2-standard-4ibis-datafusion1678.6552902024-06-09 20:29:31.833510 │ a07fe07d-7a08-4802-b8ae-918e66e2d868 │            1parquet  0949deaf-5f8f-4c29-b2ca-934e07173223.parquet │
│ n2-standard-4ibis-duckdb-sql1100.4473252024-06-10 08:11:31.244609 │ d523eec6-d2de-491d-b541-348c6b5bfc65 │            1parquet  0949deaf-5f8f-4c29-b2ca-934e07173223.parquet │

We’ll also create a table with details on each instance type including the CPU type, number of cores, and memory in gigabytes:

Show code to get instance details
cpu_type_cases = (
        "AMD EPYC",
        "Intel Cascade and Ice Lake",
        "Intel Sapphire Rapids",
        ibis._["instance_type"] == "work laptop",
        "Apple M1 Max",
        ibis._["instance_type"] == "personal laptop",
        "Apple M2 Max",
cpu_num_cases = (
    .when(ibis._["instance_type"].contains("laptop"), 12)
memory_gb_cases = (
        ibis._["instance_type"].split("-")[-1].cast("int") * 4,
    .when(ibis._["instance_type"] == "work laptop", 32)
    .when(ibis._["instance_type"] == "personal laptop", 96)

instance_details = (
        cpu_type=cpu_type_cases, cpu_cores=cpu_num_cases, memory_gbs=memory_gb_cases
).order_by("memory_gbs", "cpu_cores", "instance_type")

cpu_types = sorted(

┃ instance_type    cpu_type                    cpu_cores  memory_gbs ┃
│ stringstringint64int64      │
│ n2-standard-2  Intel Cascade and Ice Lake28 │
│ n2d-standard-2 AMD EPYC                  28 │
│ c3-standard-4  Intel Sapphire Rapids     416 │
│ n2-standard-4  Intel Cascade and Ice Lake416 │
│ n2d-standard-4 AMD EPYC                  416 │
│ c3-standard-8  Intel Sapphire Rapids     832 │
│ n2-standard-8  Intel Cascade and Ice Lake832 │
│ n2d-standard-8 AMD EPYC                  832 │
│ work laptop    Apple M1 Max              1232 │
│ n2-standard-16 Intel Cascade and Ice Lake1664 │
│ n2d-standard-16AMD EPYC                  1664 │
│ c3-standard-22 Intel Sapphire Rapids     2288 │
│ personal laptopApple M2 Max              1296 │
│ n2-standard-32 Intel Cascade and Ice Lake32128 │
│ n2d-standard-32AMD EPYC                  32128 │
│ c3-standard-44 Intel Sapphire Rapids     44176 │

What’s in the data?

With the data, we can see we ran the benchmark on scale factors:

sfs = sorted(t.distinct(on="sf")["sf"].to_pyarrow().to_pylist())
[1, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128]

A scale factor is roughly the size of the data in memory in gigabytes. For example, a scale factor of 1 means the data is roughly 1GB in memory.

Stored on disk in (compressed) Parquet format, the data is smaller – about 0.38GB for scale factor 1 with the compression settings used in this benchmark.

We can look at the total execution time by scale factor:

Show bar plot code
c = px.bar(
    category_orders={"sf": sfs},
    title="total execution time by scale factor",

You can see this is roughly linear as expected.

We ran on the following queries:

query_numbers = sorted(
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]

The TPC-H benchmark defines 22 queries. See the TPC-H benchmark specification for more information.

We can look at the total execution time by query number:

Show bar plot code
c = px.bar(
    category_orders={"query_number": query_numbers},
    title="total execution time by query number",

This gives us a sense of the relative complexity of the queries.

We ran on the following instance types:

instance_types = sorted(
    key=lambda x: (x.split("-")[0], int(x.split("-")[-1]))
    if "-" in x
    else ("z" + x[3], 0),
This is to sort the instance types by CPU architecture and number of cores
This is to sort “personal laptop” after “work laptop”
 'work laptop',
 'personal laptop']

An instance type is the compute the benchmark was run on. This consists of two MacBook Pro laptops (one work and one personal) and a number of Google Cloud Compute Engine instances.

For cloud VMs, the instance type is in the form of <family>-<type>-<cores>, where:

  • <family> specifies the CPU architecture (Intel X, AMD Y)
  • <type> modifies the CPU to memory ratio (only standard is used with a 1:4)
  • <cores> is the number of vCPUs

For example, n2d-standard-2 is a Google Cloud Compute Engine instance with an AMD EPYC processor, 2 vCPUs, and 8GB of memory.

We can look at the total execution time by instance type:

Show bar plot code
c = px.bar(
    .join(instance_details, "instance_type"),
    hover_data=["cpu_cores", "memory_gbs"],
        "instance_type": instance_types,
        "cpu_type": cpu_types,
    title="total execution time by instance type",

Unsurprisingly, this is inversely correlated with the number of CPU cores and (crucially) memory:

Show bar plot code
c = px.bar(
    hover_data=["cpu_cores", "memory_gbs"],
        "instance_type": instance_types,
        "cpu_type": cpu_types,
    title="memory by instance type",

We ran on the following systems:

systems = sorted(t.distinct(on="system")["system"].to_pyarrow().to_pylist())

For convenience in this benchmark, a ‘system’ is defined as a hyphen-separated naming convention where:

  • ibis-*: Ibis API was used
    • ibis-<backend>: Ibis dataframe code was used with the given backend
    • ibis-<backend>-sql: SQL code was used via Ibis on the given backend
  • polars-*: Polars API was used
    • polars-lazy: Polars was used with the LazyFrames API

We can look at the total execution time by system:

Show bar plot code
c = px.bar(
    category_orders={"system": systems},
    title="total execution time by system",
This can be misleading!

At this point, we have to dig deeper into the data to understand the takeaways. You might look at the above and think ibis-polars is the fastest all-around, but it’s not! Recall 9/22 queries for the Polars backend are failing, and at larger scale factors we start to see several systems fail queries due to memory pressure.

Execution time by system, scale factor, instance type, and query

We’ll aggregate the data over the dimensions we care about:

agg = (
    t.group_by("instance_type", "system", "sf", "n_partitions", "query_number")
    .join(instance_details, "instance_type")
┃ instance_type  system               sf     n_partitions  query_number  mean_execution_seconds  cpu_type                    cpu_cores  memory_gbs ┃
│ stringstringint64int64int64float64stringint64int64      │
│ n2-standard-4ibis-duckdb-sql    32157.730084Intel Cascade and Ice Lake416 │
│ n2-standard-4polars-lazy        11110.062605Intel Cascade and Ice Lake416 │
│ n2-standard-4ibis-datafusion-sql12811353.188349Intel Cascade and Ice Lake416 │

There’s a lot of data and it’s difficult to visualize all at once. We’ll build up our understanding with a few plots.

Show code for timings_plot
def timings_plot(
    instances_filter=[instance for instance in instance_types if "laptop" in instance],
    data = (
        agg.filter(agg["sf"] == sf_filter)

    c = px.bar(
            "system": systems,
            "instance_type": instance_types,
        hover_data=["cpu_type", "cpu_cores", "memory_gbs"],
        title=f"sf: {sf_filter}",

    return c

First, let’s visualize execution time for a given scale factor, system, query, and family of instance types:

sf_filter = 128
systems_filter = ["ibis-duckdb"]
instances_filter = [
    instance for instance in instance_types if instance.startswith("n2d")
queries_filter = [1]
log_y = False

timings_plot(agg, sf_filter, systems_filter, instances_filter, queries_filter, log_y)

From left to right, we have increasing instance resources (CPU cores and memory – you can hover over the data to see the details). You can also zoom and select specific labels to focus on. We notice that, as expected, queries execute faster when given more resources.

Now let’s add a second system:

systems_filter = ["ibis-duckdb", "ibis-duckdb-sql"]

timings_plot(agg, sf_filter, systems_filter, instances_filter, queries_filter, log_y)

ibis-duckdb is running the TPC-H queries written as Ibis dataframe code. The ibis-duckdb-sql system is running the same queries but written as SQL code passed into .sql() in Ibis as strings. The intent is to see if Ibis dataframe code is introducing any significant overhead. While ideally we’d run on the backend’s Python client without Ibis in the mix, this keeps the benchmarking process simple and should serve as a decent proxy.

In this case, we do see that Ibis dataframe code is adding some overhead. But, this is a single data point – let’s expand to the first 7 queries:

Logging the y-axis

From here, we’ll set log_y=True due to the wide range of execution times.

We also look at the first 7 queries due to limited horizontal space on this website. Analyze and visualize the data yourself for all 22 queries! Or see the Ibis benchmarking Streamlit app.

log_y = True
queries_filter = range(1, 7+1)

timings_plot(agg, sf_filter, systems_filter, instances_filter, queries_filter, log_y)

This tells a different story. Sometimes Ibis dataframe code is a bit faster, sometimes a bit slower. Let’s compute the totals:

    agg.filter(agg["sf"] == sf_filter)
        seconds_per_query=ibis._["total_execution_seconds"] / ibis._["total_queries"]
┃ system           total_execution_seconds  total_queries  seconds_per_query ┃
│ stringfloat64int64float64           │
│ ibis-duckdb    1049.0071593529.971633 │
│ ibis-duckdb-sql1180.3183463533.723381 │

Ibis dataframe code is a little faster overall, but this is on a subset of queries and scale factors and instance types. More analysis and profiling would be needed to make a definitive statement, but in general we can be happy that DuckDB does a great job optimizing the SQL Ibis generates and that Ibis dataframe code isn’t adding significant overhead.

Let’s repeat this for DataFusion:

systems_filter = ["ibis-datafusion", "ibis-datafusion-sql"]

timings_plot(agg, sf_filter, systems_filter, instances_filter, queries_filter, log_y)

We see a similar story. Let’s confirm with a table:

    agg.filter(agg["sf"] == sf_filter)
        seconds_per_query=ibis._["total_execution_seconds"] / ibis._["total_queries"]
┃ system               total_execution_seconds  total_queries  seconds_per_query ┃
│ stringfloat64int64float64           │
│ ibis-datafusion-sql1041.2593303331.553313 │
│ ibis-datafusion    1202.1493863534.347125 │

This time Ibis dataframe code is a bit slower overall. However, also notice two queries are missing from ibis-datafusion-sql. These are query 7 on n2d-standard-2 and n2d-standard-4 (the two instances with the least memory). We’ll investigate failing queries more thoroughly in the next section.

First, let’s look at Polars:

systems_filter = ["ibis-polars", "polars-lazy"]

timings_plot(agg, sf_filter, systems_filter, instances_filter, queries_filter, log_y)

A lot of queries are missing from ibis-polars and polars-lazy. These are failing due to the high scale factor and limited memory on the instances.

Let’s look at a lower scale factor and my MacBooks (Polars tended to perform better on these):

sf_filter = 64
instances_filter = [
    instance for instance in instance_types if "laptop" in instance

timings_plot(agg, sf_filter, systems_filter, instances_filter, queries_filter, log_y)

We see a similar pattern as above – some queries are a little faster on ibis-polars, though some are much slower. In particular queries 1 and 2 tend to have a lot of overhead.

    agg.filter(agg["sf"] == sf_filter)
        seconds_per_query=ibis._["total_execution_seconds"] / ibis._["total_queries"]
┃ system       total_execution_seconds  total_queries  seconds_per_query ┃
│ stringfloat64int64float64           │
│ ibis-polars185.5476651413.253405 │
│ polars-lazy115.157749148.225554 │

Let’s now compare all systems across a single instance type and query:

sf_filter = 128
instances_filter = ["n2d-standard-32"]
systems_filter = systems
queries_filter = [1]

timings_plot(agg, sf_filter, systems_filter, instances_filter, queries_filter, log_y)

And then the first 7 queries:

queries_filter = range(1, 7+1)

timings_plot(agg, sf_filter, systems_filter, instances_filter, queries_filter, log_y)
Lots of data, lots of takeaways

There is a lot of data and it’s easy to summarize and visualize it in a way that favors a given system. There’s a lot of missing data that needs to be accounted for, as it often indicates a query that failed due to memory pressure.

Each system has strengths and weaknesses. See the discussion section below.

See the Ibis benchmarking Streamlit app for further analysis, or query the data yourself!

Failing queries due to memory pressure

Many queries fail due to memory pressure at higher scale factors with insufficient resources. Impressively, the exception here is DuckDB.

Show code to get table of failing queries
def failing_queries(agg, sf, instance_type):
    failing = (
        t.filter(t["sf"] == sf)
        .filter(t["instance_type"] == instance_type)
    failing = (
            .filter(lambda x: ~failing["present_queries"].contains(x))
        .order_by("num_failing_queries", "system")

    return failing

Let’s look at the failing queries on the largest n2d instance::

sf = 128
instance_type = "n2d-standard-32"

failing = failing_queries(agg, sf, instance_type)
┃ system               failing_queries                              num_failing_queries  num_successful_queries ┃
│ stringarray<int64>int64int64                  │
│ ibis-duckdb        []022 │
│ ibis-duckdb-sql    []022 │
│ ibis-datafusion-sql[16]121 │
│ polars-lazy        [9]121 │
│ ibis-datafusion    [16, 21, 22]319 │
│ ibis-polars        [9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22]1111 │
Show code to create a bar plot of the number of successful queries by system
c = px.bar(
        "system": systems,
        "query_number": query_numbers,
    title="completed queries",

And the smallest:

instance_type = "n2d-standard-2"

failing = failing_queries(agg, sf, instance_type)
┃ system               failing_queries                                                            num_failing_queries  num_successful_queries ┃
│ stringarray<int64>int64int64                  │
│ ibis-duckdb        []022 │
│ ibis-duckdb-sql    []022 │
│ ibis-datafusion-sql[7, 9, 16, 18, 20]517 │
│ ibis-datafusion    [9, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22]616 │
│ polars-lazy        [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21]184 │
│ ibis-polars        [1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]202 │
Show code to create a bar plot of the number of successful queries by system
c = px.bar(
        "system": systems,
        "query_number": query_numbers,
    title="completed queries",

A lot of queries are failing on the smallest instance due to memory pressure.

We can create a single visualization across the n2d instances:

Show code to create a bar plot of the number of successful queries by system and instance type
failing = t.group_by("instance_type", "system", "sf").agg(
failing = (
        .filter(lambda x: ~failing["present_queries"].contains(x)),
    .relocate("instance_type", "system", "sf", "failing_queries")
    .order_by("num_failing_queries", "instance_type", "system", "sf")
failing = failing.join(instance_details, "instance_type")
failing = (
        (failing["sf"] == 128) & (failing["instance_type"].startswith("n2d-"))

c = px.bar(
    hover_data=["cpu_cores", "memory_gbs"],
        "system": systems,
        "instance_type": reversed(
            [instance for instance in instance_types if instance.startswith("n2d")]
    title="completed queries",

Within each system, from left to right, we have decreasing resources (vCPUs and memory). We can see how each system performs on the same queries with different resources.

Data is aggregated

Keep in mind data is aggregated over three runs of each query. For DuckDB, there was actually a single failure on the smallest instance for query 9, out of six runs across the two systems, but this does not appear above because we are checking for the success of the query in any of the three runs per configuration.

Discussion and reproducibility

Benchmarking is fraught: it’s easy to get wrong and ship your bias in the results. We don’t want to end up as Figure 1 in “Fair Benchmarking Considered Difficult: Common Pitfalls In Database Performance Testing”:

Figure 1

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to open an issue or comment on this post below.

Which system is best?

Trick question! It depends on your use case. DuckDB is a simple, performant in-process database with an on-disk file format (SQLite for OLAP). DataFusion is an extensible query engine and is often used for building databases or query engines. Polars is an OLAP query engine with a Python dataframe API that can be used as a more performant alternative to pandas.

All three make great Ibis backends and you can switch between them in a single line of code. This lets you write your code once and run it on the engine that’s best for your use case. If a better engine comes along you’ll likely be able to use that too. And you can scale up and out across the 20+ backends Ibis supports as needed.

TPC-H is a decent benchmark for what it benchmarks, which is limited. We’re not running window functions, doing timeseries analysis, or feature engineering for machine learning. We’re not using nested data types. We’re not performing regexes or using LLMs in UDFs…

It’s easy to summarize and visualize benchmarking data in a way that favors a given system. You should favor the system that works best for your use case.

Performance converges over time

Let’s look at some quotes from “Perf is not enough” by Jordan Tigani of MotherDuck:

If you take a bunch of databases, all actively maintained, and iterate them out a few years, performance is going to converge. If Clickhouse is applying a technique that gives it an advantage for scan speed today, Snowflake will likely have that within a year or two. If Snowflake adds incrementally materialized views, BigQuery will soon follow. It is unlikely that important performance differences will persist over time.

As clever as the engineers working for any of these companies are, none of them possess any magic incantations or things that cannot be replicated elsewhere. Each database uses a different bag of tricks in order to get good performance. One might compile queries to machine code, another might cache data on local SSDs, and a third might use specialized network hardware to do shuffles. Given time, all of these techniques can be implemented by anyone. If they work well, they likely will show up everywhere.

This is extra true for open source databases (or query engines). If DuckDB adds a feature that improves performance, it’s likely that DataFusion and Polars will follow suit – they can go read the source code and specific commits to see how it was done.

Reproducing the benchmark

The source code for is available on GitHub.

A TPC-H benchmark on 6 systems in 3 commands

First install ibis-bench:

pip install ibis-bench

Then generate the TPC-H data:

bench gen-data -s 1

Finally run the benchmark:

bench run -s 1 ibis-duckdb ibis-duckdb-sql ibis-datafusion ibis-datafusion-sql ibis-polars polars-lazy

Congratulations! You’ve run a TPC-H benchmark on DuckDB (Ibis dataframe code and SQL), DataFusion (Ibis dataframe code and SQL), and Polars (dataframe code via Ibis and native Polars).

What just happened?

This will generate TPC-H data at scale factor 1 as Parquet files in the tpch_data directory:

└── parquet
    └── sf=1
        └── n=1
            ├── customer
               └── 0000.parquet
            ├── lineitem
               └── 0000.parquet
            ├── nation
               └── 0000.parquet
            ├── orders
               └── 0000.parquet
            ├── part
               └── 0000.parquet
            ├── partsupp
               └── 0000.parquet
            ├── region
               └── 0000.parquet
            └── supplier
                └── 0000.parquet

The scale factor is roughly the size of data in memory in gigabytes (GBs). The size of data on disk, however, is smaller because Parquet is compressed. We can take a look at the size of the data:

384M    tpch_data/parquet/sf=1/n=1
262M    tpch_data/parquet/sf=1/n=1/lineitem
 59M    tpch_data/parquet/sf=1/n=1/orders
 12M    tpch_data/parquet/sf=1/n=1/customer
 43M    tpch_data/parquet/sf=1/n=1/partsupp
6.6M    tpch_data/parquet/sf=1/n=1/part
788K    tpch_data/parquet/sf=1/n=1/supplier
4.0K    tpch_data/parquet/sf=1/n=1/nation
4.0K    tpch_data/parquet/sf=1/n=1/region

We can see the total size is 0.38 GB and the size of the tables – lineitem is by far the largest.

Using bench run results in a results_data directory with the results of the queries and a bench_logs_v2 directory with the logs of the benchmark run.

Analyzing the results

We can use Ibis to load and analyze the log data:

import ibis

ibis.options.interactive = True
ibis.options.repr.interactive.max_rows = 6
ibis.options.repr.interactive.max_columns = None

t = ibis.read_json("bench_logs_v*/raw_json/file_id=*.json").relocate(
    "system", "sf", "query_number", "execution_seconds"
┃ system               sf     query_number  execution_seconds  session_id                            instance_type  timestamp                   n_partitions  file_type  file_id                                   ┃
│ stringint64int64float64uuidjsonstringint64stringstring                                    │
│ ibis-datafusion-sql1120.076600 │ 0b931439-5670-4a77-89b0-d8b7c45e6eb7 │ NULL2024-06-13T16:09:34.4763971parquet  00218347-a4cd-4590-a502-8cf79f4e87c9.json │
│ ibis-datafusion-sql1210.165074 │ 0b931439-5670-4a77-89b0-d8b7c45e6eb7 │ NULL2024-06-13T16:09:35.3767531parquet  01089668-608c-4551-ae65-6d98d69f959b.json │
│ ibis-polars        1120.075944 │ 0b931439-5670-4a77-89b0-d8b7c45e6eb7 │ NULL2024-06-13T16:09:36.9560011parquet  02a991bd-797a-4c08-83de-c1b537f713fe.json │
│ ibis-datafusion    1100.144007 │ 0b931439-5670-4a77-89b0-d8b7c45e6eb7 │ NULL2024-06-13T16:09:32.2976471parquet  02bd900a-3c0a-4871-b651-1690f11a81ab.json │
│ ibis-datafusion-sql130.067048 │ 0b931439-5670-4a77-89b0-d8b7c45e6eb7 │ NULL2024-06-13T16:09:33.6993681parquet  08490a6b-e1ab-482c-83bc-85469c6b96a3.json │
│ ibis-duckdb        1100.160302 │ 0b931439-5670-4a77-89b0-d8b7c45e6eb7 │ NULL2024-06-13T16:09:27.3163391parquet  08b92577-8150-4040-bceb-9316da7bfaf4.json │
│                                          │

We can check the total execution time for each system:

┃ system               total_seconds ┃
│ stringfloat64       │
│ ibis-datafusion-sql2.006620 │
│ ibis-duckdb-sql    2.067606 │
│ polars-lazy        2.086350 │
│ ibis-polars        2.168417 │
│ ibis-duckdb        2.495270 │
│ ibis-datafusion    2.529014 │

We can visualize the results:

import plotly.express as px

px.defaults.template = "plotly_dark"

agg = t.group_by("system", "query_number").agg(

chart = px.bar(
    title="Mean execution time by query",
        "system": sorted(t.select("system").distinct().to_pandas()["system"].tolist())

What did we run and measure, exactly?

We can import ibis_bench as a library and read in the TPC-H tables:

import ibis
import polars as pl

from datetime import date
from ibis_bench.utils.read_data import get_ibis_tables, get_polars_tables

sf = 1
con = ibis.connect("duckdb://")

(customer, lineitem, nation, orders, part, partsupp, region, supplier) = (
    get_ibis_tables(sf=sf, con=con)
lineitem.order_by(ibis.desc("l_orderkey"), ibis.asc("l_partkey"))
┃ l_orderkey  l_partkey  l_suppkey  l_linenumber  l_quantity      l_extendedprice  l_discount      l_tax           l_returnflag  l_linestatus  l_shipdate  l_commitdate  l_receiptdate  l_shipinstruct     l_shipmode  l_comment                                ┃
│ int64int64int64int64decimal(15, 2)decimal(15, 2)decimal(15, 2)decimal(15, 2)stringstringdatedatedatestringstringstring                                   │
│    600000032255225615.005936.250.040.03N           O           1996-11-021996-11-191996-12-01TAKE BACK RETURN MAIL      riously pe                               │
│    6000000961276128228.0031447.360.010.02N           O           1996-09-221996-10-011996-10-21NONE             AIR       pecial excuses nag evenly f              │
│    59999756452145327.009509.150.040.00A           F           1993-11-021993-09-231993-11-19DELIVER IN PERSONSHIP      ffily along the sly                      │
│    599997572722273132.0037736.640.070.01R           F           1993-10-071993-09-301993-10-21COLLECT COD      REG AIR   ld deposits aga                          │
│    5999975371312138318.0019226.340.040.01A           F           1993-11-171993-08-281993-12-08DELIVER IN PERSONFOB       counts cajole evenly? sly orbits boost f │
│    5999974104635466246.0063179.160.080.06R           F           1993-09-161993-09-211993-10-02COLLECT COD      RAIL      se slyly alo                             │
│                                                  │

│ 6001215 │
con = ibis.connect("datafusion://")

(customer, lineitem, nation, orders, part, partsupp, region, supplier) = (
    get_ibis_tables(sf=sf, con=con)
lineitem.order_by(ibis.desc("l_orderkey"), ibis.asc("l_partkey"))
┃ l_orderkey  l_partkey  l_suppkey  l_linenumber  l_quantity      l_extendedprice  l_discount      l_tax           l_returnflag  l_linestatus  l_shipdate  l_commitdate  l_receiptdate  l_shipinstruct     l_shipmode  l_comment                                ┃
│ int64int64int64int64decimal(15, 2)decimal(15, 2)decimal(15, 2)decimal(15, 2)stringstringdatedatedatestringstringstring                                   │
│    600000032255225615.005936.250.040.03N           O           1996-11-021996-11-191996-12-01TAKE BACK RETURN MAIL      riously pe                               │
│    6000000961276128228.0031447.360.010.02N           O           1996-09-221996-10-011996-10-21NONE             AIR       pecial excuses nag evenly f              │
│    59999756452145327.009509.150.040.00A           F           1993-11-021993-09-231993-11-19DELIVER IN PERSONSHIP      ffily along the sly                      │
│    599997572722273132.0037736.640.070.01R           F           1993-10-071993-09-301993-10-21COLLECT COD      REG AIR   ld deposits aga                          │
│    5999975371312138318.0019226.340.040.01A           F           1993-11-171993-08-281993-12-08DELIVER IN PERSONFOB       counts cajole evenly? sly orbits boost f │
│    5999974104635466246.0063179.160.080.06R           F           1993-09-161993-09-211993-10-02COLLECT COD      RAIL      se slyly alo                             │
│                                                  │

│ 6001215 │
con = ibis.connect("polars://")

(customer, lineitem, nation, orders, part, partsupp, region, supplier) = (
    get_ibis_tables(sf=sf, con=con)
lineitem.order_by(ibis.desc("l_orderkey"), ibis.asc("l_partkey"))
┃ l_orderkey  l_partkey  l_suppkey  l_linenumber  l_quantity      l_extendedprice  l_discount      l_tax           l_returnflag  l_linestatus  l_shipdate  l_commitdate  l_receiptdate  l_shipinstruct     l_shipmode  l_comment                                ┃
│ int64int64int64int64decimal(15, 2)decimal(15, 2)decimal(15, 2)decimal(15, 2)stringstringdatedatedatestringstringstring                                   │
│    600000032255225615.005936.250.040.03N           O           1996-11-021996-11-191996-12-01TAKE BACK RETURN MAIL      riously pe                               │
│    6000000961276128228.0031447.360.010.02N           O           1996-09-221996-10-011996-10-21NONE             AIR       pecial excuses nag evenly f              │
│    59999756452145327.009509.150.040.00A           F           1993-11-021993-09-231993-11-19DELIVER IN PERSONSHIP      ffily along the sly                      │
│    599997572722273132.0037736.640.070.01R           F           1993-10-071993-09-301993-10-21COLLECT COD      REG AIR   ld deposits aga                          │
│    5999975371312138318.0019226.340.040.01A           F           1993-11-171993-08-281993-12-08DELIVER IN PERSONFOB       counts cajole evenly? sly orbits boost f │
│    5999974104635466246.0063179.160.080.06R           F           1993-09-161993-09-211993-10-02COLLECT COD      RAIL      se slyly alo                             │
│                                                  │

│ 6001215 │

The queries are also defined in ibis_bench.queries. Let’s look at query 4 as an example for Ibis dataframe code, Polars dataframe code, and SQL code via Ibis:

Define query 4:

def q4(lineitem, orders, **kwargs):
    var1 = date(1993, 7, 1)
    var2 = date(1993, 10, 1)

    q_final = (
        lineitem.join(orders, lineitem["l_orderkey"] == orders["o_orderkey"])
        .filter((orders["o_orderdate"] >= var1) & (orders["o_orderdate"] < var2))
        .filter(lineitem["l_commitdate"] < lineitem["l_receiptdate"])
        .distinct(on=["o_orderpriority", "l_orderkey"])

    return q_final

Run query 4:

res = q4(lineitem, orders)
┃ o_orderpriority  order_count ┃
│ stringint64       │
│ 1-URGENT       10594 │
│ 2-HIGH         10476 │
│ 3-MEDIUM       10410 │
│ 4-NOT SPECIFIED10556 │
│ 5-LOW          10487 │

Define query 4:

def q4(lineitem, orders, **kwargs):
    var1 = date(1993, 7, 1)
    var2 = date(1993, 10, 1)

    q_final = (
        lineitem.join(orders, left_on="l_orderkey", right_on="o_orderkey")
        .filter(pl.col("o_orderdate").is_between(var1, var2, closed="left"))
        .filter(pl.col("l_commitdate") < pl.col("l_receiptdate"))
        .unique(subset=["o_orderpriority", "l_orderkey"])

    return q_final

Run query 4:

res = q4(lineitem.to_polars().lazy(), orders.to_polars().lazy()).collect()
shape: (5, 2)
o_orderpriority order_count
str u32
"1-URGENT" 10594
"2-HIGH" 10476
"3-MEDIUM" 10410
"5-LOW" 10487

Define query 4:

q4_sql = """
    count(*) AS order_count
    o_orderdate >= CAST('1993-07-01' AS date)
    AND o_orderdate < CAST('1993-10-01' AS date)
            l_orderkey = o_orderkey
            AND l_commitdate < l_receiptdate)
q4_sql = q4_sql.strip().strip(";")

def q4(lineitem, orders, dialect="duckdb", **kwargs):
    return orders.sql(q4_sql, dialect=dialect)

Run query 4:

res = q4(lineitem, orders)
┃ o_orderpriority  order_count ┃
│ stringint64       │
│ 1-URGENT       10594 │
│ 2-HIGH         10476 │
│ 3-MEDIUM       10410 │
│ 4-NOT SPECIFIED10556 │
│ 5-LOW          10487 │

Finally, we write the result to a Parquet file. We are measuring the execution time in seconds of calling the query and writing the results to disk.

Next steps

We’ll publish the next iteration of this benchmark soon with updated Polars TPC-H queries and using newer versions of all libraries. Polars v1.0.0 should release soon. A new DataFusion version that fixes the remaining failing queries is also expected soon.

If you spot anything wrong, have any questions, or want to share your own analysis, feel free to share below!

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