Farewell pandas, and thanks for all the fish.


Gil Forsyth


August 26, 2024

TL; DR: we are deprecating the pandas and dask backends and will be removing them in version 10.0.

There is no feature gap between the pandas backend and our default DuckDB backend, and DuckDB is much more performant. pandas DataFrames will still be available as format for getting data to and from Ibis, we just won’t support using pandas to execute queries.

Most of the rationale below applies to the Dask backend since it has so much in common with pandas. Dask is a great project and people should continue to use it outside the Ibis context.

Why pandas? And a bit of Ibis history

Way back in the early days of Ibis, there was only one backend: Impala. Not everyone used Impala (mindblowing, we know), and so it wasn’t too long until the Postgres backend was added (by the inimitable Phillip Cloud).

These two backends were both featureful, but there was a big problem with adoption: Want to try out Ibis? You need to install Impala or Postgres first.

Not an insurmountable problem, but a LOT more work than “just pip install <newthing>” – which prompted the question, how can a prospective Ibis user take the API for a spin without requiring a DBA or extra infrastructure beyond a laptop?

The obvious answer (at the time) was to use the only in-memory DataFrame engine around and wire up a pandas backend.

The agony and the agony

pandas was the best option at the time, and it allowed new users to try out Ibis. But, it never fit well into the model of data analysis that Ibis strives for. The pandas backend has more specialized code than any other backend, because it is so fundamentally different than all the other systems Ibis works with.

Deferred vs Eager

pandas is inherently an eager engine – every time you hit Enter you are computing an intermediate result. Ibis uses a deferred execution model, similar to what nearly all SQL backends use, that enables query planning and optimization passes.

Trying to make a pandas interface that behaves in a deferred way is hard.

One of the unfortunate effects of this mismatch is that, unlike our other backends, the pandas backend is often much slower than just using pandas directly.

And to provide this suboptimal experience, we have a few thousand lines of code that are only used in the pandas backend.


The choice was made a long time ago to accept using NaN as the marker for missing values in pandas. This is because NumPy has a notion of NaN, but a Python None would lead to an object-dtype and poor performance.

Practicality beats purity, but this is a horrible decision to have to make. Ibis doesn’t have to make it with any other backend, because NULL indicates a missing value, and NaN is Not a Number.

Those are fundamentally different ideas and it is an ongoing headache for Ibis to try to pretend that they aren’t.

Data types

The new Arrow-backed types in pandas are a great improvement and we’ll leave it at that.

Misleading new users

People reach for what is familiar. When you try Ibis for the first time, we’re asking you to both a) try Ibis and b) pick a backend. We have defaults to try to help with this, but it can be confusing at first.

We have many reports from new users that “Ibis is slow”. What this almost always means is that they tried the pandas backend (because they know pandas) and they are having a less-than-great time.

If they tried DuckDB or Polars, instead, they would have a much easier time getting things going.

Feature parity

This is the one of the strongest reasons to drop the pandas backend – it is redundant. The DuckDB backend can seamlessly query pandas DataFrames, supports several flavors of UDF, and can read and write parquet, CSV, JSON, and other formats.

There is a reason DuckDB is our default backend: it’s easy to install, it runs locally, it’s blazing fast, and it interacts well with the Python ecosystem. Those are all the reasons we added pandas as a backend in the first place, but with the added benefit of blazing-fast results, and no type-system headaches.

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