Ibis v6.0.0


Ibis team


July 3, 2023


Ibis 6.0.0 adds the Oracle backend, revamped UDF support, and many new features. This release also includes a number of refactors, bug fixes, and performance improvements. You can view the full changelog in the release notes.

If you’re new to Ibis, see how to install and the getting started tutorial.

To follow along with this blog, ensure you’re on 'ibis-framework>=6,<7'. First, we’ll setup Ibis and fetch some sample data to use.

import ibis
import ibis.selectors as s

ibis.options.interactive = True
ibis.options.repr.interactive.max_rows = 3

Now, fetch the penguins dataset.

t = ibis.examples.penguins.fetch()
┃ species  island     bill_length_mm  bill_depth_mm  flipper_length_mm  body_mass_g  sex     year  ┃
│ stringstringfloat64float64int64int64stringint64 │
│ Adelie Torgersen39.118.71813750male  2007 │
│ Adelie Torgersen39.517.41863800female2007 │
│ Adelie Torgersen40.318.01953250female2007 │
│  │

Breaking changes

Join duplicate column names

Previously when joining tables with duplicate column names, _x and _y suffixes would be appended by default to the left and right tables respectively. You could override this with the suffix argument, which is now removed in favor of lname and rname arguments. The default is changed to no suffix for the left table and _right for the right table.

t.join(t, "island").select(s.startswith("species"))
┃ species  species_right ┃
│ stringstring        │
│ Adelie Adelie        │
│ Adelie Adelie        │
│ Adelie Adelie        │
│              │

To replicate the previous behavior:

t.join(t, "island", lname="{name}_x", rname="{name}_y").select(
┃ species_x  species_y ┃
│ stringstring    │
│ Adelie   Adelie    │
│ Adelie   Adelie    │
│ Adelie   Adelie    │
│          │

.count() column names no longer named count automatically

Columns created with the .count() aggregation are no longer automatically named count. This is to follow convention with other aggregations and reduce the likelihood of name collisions.

┃ species    Count(species) ┃
│ stringint64          │
│ Adelie   152 │
│ Chinstrap68 │
│ Gentoo   124 │

To reproduce the old behavior, you can rename the column to count with:




The Oracle backend was added! See the Voltron Data blog for more details.



There were various DuckDB improvements, but one notable new feature is the ability to attach to a SQLite database through DuckDB. This allows you to run OLAP queries via DuckDB significantly faster on source data from SQLite.

First we’ll create a DuckDB connection and show it has no tables:

duckdb_con = ibis.connect("duckdb://")

Then create a SQLite database with a table:

sqlite_con = ibis.connect("sqlite://penguins.db")
sqlite_con.create_table("penguins", t.to_pandas(), overwrite=True)
┃ species  island     bill_length_mm  bill_depth_mm  flipper_length_mm  body_mass_g  sex     year  ┃
│ stringstringfloat64float64float64float64stringint64 │
│ Adelie Torgersen39.118.7181.03750.0male  2007 │
│ Adelie Torgersen39.517.4186.03800.0female2007 │
│ Adelie Torgersen40.318.0195.03250.0female2007 │
│  │

And attach it:


MotherDuck support!

MotherDuck launched recently and is now supported in Ibis!

Simply connect with the DuckDB backend using md: or motherduck: as the database.



The Polars backend received many improvements from community members @alexander-beedie and @mesejo, with plenty of operations now supported.

Some additions in this version include:

  • any and all reductions
  • argmin and argmax
  • identical_to
  • corr
  • support for .sql()

Give it a try by setting your backend to Polars with ibis.set_backend("polars").



User-defined functions (UDFs) have been revamped with a new syntax and new backends added. To get started, import the decorator:

from ibis import udf

Define a UDF:

def num_vowels(s: str, include_y: bool = False) -> int:
    return sum(map(s.lower().count, "aeiou" + ("y" * include_y)))

And call it:


┃ num_vowels  num_vowels_island_count ┃
│ int64int64                   │
│          268 │
│          4152 │
│          3124 │
t.filter(num_vowels(t.species) < 4)
┃ species  island  bill_length_mm  bill_depth_mm  flipper_length_mm  body_mass_g  sex     year  ┃
│ stringstringfloat64float64int64int64stringint64 │
│ Gentoo Biscoe46.113.22114500female2007 │
│ Gentoo Biscoe50.016.32305700male  2007 │
│ Gentoo Biscoe48.714.12104450female2007 │
│  │

to_torch API

A new to_torch output method was added. Combined with UDFs, this brings powerful ML capabilities into Ibis. See a complete example in the Ibis + DuckDB + PyTorch blog.

import torch

{'bill_length_mm': tensor([39.1000, 39.5000, 40.3000,  ..., 49.6000, 50.8000, 50.2000],
 'bill_depth_mm': tensor([18.7000, 17.4000, 18.0000,  ..., 18.2000, 19.0000, 18.7000],
 'flipper_length_mm': tensor([181, 186, 195,  ..., 193, 210, 198]),
 'body_mass_g': tensor([3750, 3800, 3250,  ..., 3775, 4100, 3775]),
 'year': tensor([2007, 2007, 2007,  ..., 2009, 2009, 2009])}

Array zip support

A new zip operation was added on array data types, allowing you to zip together multiple arrays.

arrays = ibis.memtable(
    {"numbers": [[3, 2], [], None], "strings": [["a", "c"], None, ["e"]]}
┃ numbers       strings       ┃
│ array<int64>array<string> │
│ [3, 2]['a', 'c']    │
│ []NULL          │
│ NULL['e']         │
┃ ArrayZip()                           ┃
│ array<struct<f1: int64, f2: string>> │
│ [{...}, {...}]                       │
│ NULL                                 │
│ NULL                                 │
┃ ArrayZip()                    ┃
│ struct<f1: int64, f2: string> │
│ {'f1': 3, 'f2': 'a'}          │
│ {'f1': 2, 'f2': 'c'}          │

Try cast support

A new try_cast() operation was added that allows you to cast a column to a type, but return null if the cast fails.



__dataframe__ support

Ibis now supports the dataframe interchange protocol, allowing Ibis expressions to be used in any framework that supports it. Adoption of the protocol is still in its early stages, but we expect this to enable Ibis to be used in many new places going forward.

<ibis.expr.types.dataframe_interchange.IbisDataFrame at 0x7ff54d1ad450>

Streamlit experimental connection interface

A new experimental connection interface was added for Streamlit. See how-to write a Streamlit app with Ibis.

SQL dialect parameter

In SQL methods, you can now pass the dialect parameter to specify the SQL dialect used. This leverages sqlglot under the hood.

bigquery_sql = """
  COUNT(t0.`species`) AS `count`,
  CAST(COUNT(DISTINCT t0.`island`) AS FLOAT64) AS `islands`
FROM penguins AS t0

duckdb_con.sql(bigquery_sql, dialect="bigquery")
┃ species    count  islands ┃
│ stringint64float64 │
│ Chinstrap681.0 │
│ Adelie   1523.0 │
│ Gentoo   1241.0 │

Delta Lake read/write support for some backends

Delta Lake tables are supported through the deltalake package with read_delta() implemented for DuckDB, Polars, and DataFusion.

t.to_delta("penguins.delta", mode="overwrite")
t = ibis.read_delta("penguins.delta")
┃ species  island     bill_length_mm  bill_depth_mm  flipper_length_mm  body_mass_g  sex     year  ┃
│ stringstringfloat64float64int64int64stringint64 │
│ Adelie Torgersen39.118.71813750male  2007 │
│ Adelie Torgersen39.517.41863800female2007 │
│ Adelie Torgersen40.318.01953250female2007 │
│  │


Some minor selectors improvements were added including the ability to use abstract type names and lists of strings.

┃ species  island     sex    ┃
│ stringstringstring │
│ Adelie Torgersenmale   │
│ Adelie Torgersenfemale │
│ Adelie Torgersenfemale │
│       │
t.agg(s.across(["species", "island"], ibis._.count()))
┃ species  island ┃
│ int64int64  │
│     344344 │


Several internal refactors that shouldn’t affect normal usage were made. See the release notes for more details.

Wrapping up

Ibis v6.0.0 brings exciting new features that enable future support for ML and streaming workloads.

As always, try Ibis by installing and getting started.

If you run into any issues or find support is lacking for your backend, open an issue or discussion and let us know!

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