Designing Interfaces is hard

Gil Forsyth




  • Gil Forsyth
  • Ibis project
  • Xonsh
  • Voltron Data
  • Recovering academic

Show of hands

Who here is a…

  • Data analyst / Data scientist?
  • Data engineer?
  • Software engineer?
  • ML something-something?

Who here uses…

  • 🦀Rust?
  • 🐍Python?
  • 🤖SQL?
  • 🇷R?
  • 🧨KDB+ Q?

So you want to design a Python Dataframe API?

Python🐍/pandas🐼 terminology or SQL🤖 terminology?

  • order_by or orderby or sort or sort_by or sortby?
  • group_by or groupby or partition or partition_by or partitionby?

🙏please only choose one🙏

when in doubt, copy dplyr

Python🐍/pandas🐼 semantics or SQL🤖 semantics?

  • 0-indexing or 1-indexing?
  • Do rpad and lpad also trim?
  • Is implicit ordering guaranteed everywhere?
  • Are multi-indexes a good idea? (No)

So you want to design a SQL dialect?

(SQL) Questions with no (single) answer

  • Does a week start on Sunday or Monday?
  • Are the days of a week 0-indexed or 1-indexed?
  • Do nulls sort ascending, or descending, or always first, or always last?
  • Given a function to compute \(log_b(x)\), is the function signature:
    • log(b, x)?
    • log(x, b)?

SQL ain’t standard

Which is why, when you ask: How many Star Wars characters have 'Darth' in their name?

SELECT SUM(CAST(CONTAINS(LOWER("t0"."name"), 'darth') AS INT)) FROM "starwars"

SELECT SUM(CAST(strpos(LOWER(`t0`.`name`), 'darth') > 0 AS INT64)) FROM `starwars`

SELECT SUM(IIF(CONTAINS(LOWER([t0].[name]), 'darth'), 1, 0)) FROM [starwars]

SELECT SUM(CAST(STRPOS(LOWER("t0"."name"), 'darth') > 0 AS INT)) FROM "starwars"

SQL ain’t standard

Wait, what is this talk about?

We built a dataframe interface!


  • Open-source (Apache 2.0)
  • Pure Python
  • DataFrame interface
  • Pretty cool
  • Independently governed
  • Started by Wes McKinney

(Some) Answers to the DataFrame questions

Because remember what happened to SQL?

(It was bad)

SELECT SUM(CAST(CONTAINS(LOWER("t0"."name"), 'darth') AS INT)) FROM "starwars"

SELECT SUM(CAST(strpos(LOWER(`t0`.`name`), 'darth') > 0 AS INT64)) FROM `starwars`

SELECT SUM(IIF(CONTAINS(LOWER([t0].[name]), 'darth'), 1, 0)) FROM [starwars]

SELECT SUM(CAST(STRPOS(LOWER("t0"."name"), 'darth') > 0 AS INT)) FROM "starwars"

We’re trying to stop this 1:



expr = f.find_in_set(literal("darth"), f.lower(col("name")))
df.aggregate([expr], [f.sum(expr)])"darth").sum()

And yes…

Ibis is only an interface

  • Not an engine
  • We don’t compute anything
  • We work with a lot of engines

Demo Time

Why use DataFusion?

  • It’s fast
  • It’s flexible
  • Interface agnostic (SQL, Substrait, Dataframe API)

You should choose the engine that suits your problem.

Why use Ibis?

  • It’s flexible
  • It’s a pretty good API (no really!)
  • Engine agnostic

You should choose the interface that suits your problem.1

The interface is not the engine is not the interface

  • Don’t let the engine dictate the interface
  • Don’t let the interface dictate the engine

Try it out

pip install 'ibis-framework[datafusion]'
conda install -c conda-forge ibis-datafusion


Shouldn’t we all copy the pandas API?


pandas is a good tool, provided:

  • your data fit in memory (implicitly ordered)
  • you want eager execution

What other backends does Ibis support?

  • BigQuery
  • ClickHouse
  • DataFusion
  • Druid
  • DuckDB
  • Exasol
  • Flink
  • Impala
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • Polars
  • Postgres
  • Spark
  • Risingwave
  • Snowflake
  • SQLite
  • Trino

Should I use Ibis instead of X?

Nope. You should use Ibis with X.

Demo code (for reference)

import ibis

con = ibis.datafusion.connect()

ratings = ibis.examples.imdb_title_ratings.fetch()
basics = ibis.examples.imdb_title_basics.fetch()

basics.filter(basics.titleType == "movie", basics.isAdult == 0).join(
    ratings, "tconst"
).filter(ratings.numVotes > 100_000).order_by(ratings.averageRating.desc()).select(
    "primaryTitle", "averageRating"
import glob
import os

import pandas as pd

def main():
    df = pd.read_parquet(
        min(glob.glob("/home/gil/databog/parquet/pypi/*.parquet"), key=os.path.getsize),
        columns=["path", "uploaded_on", "project_name"],
    df = df[
        & ~df.path.str.contains(r"(?:(?:^|/)test(?:|s|ing)|/site-packages/)")
    return (
            ext=df.path.str.extract(r"\.([a-z0-9]+)$", 0)
            .iloc[:, 0]
            .str.replace(r"cxx|cpp|cc|c|hpp|h", "C/C++", regex=True)
            .str.replace("^f.*$", "Fortran", regex=True)
            .str.replace("rs", "Rust")
            .str.replace("go", "Go")
            .str.replace("asm", "Assembly"),
        .groupby(["month", "ext"])
        .sort_values(["month", "project_count"], ascending=False)
import glob
import os.path

import ibis
from ibis import _

con = ibis.datafusion.connect()

expr = (
        min(glob.glob("/home/gil/databog/parquet/pypi/*.parquet"), key=os.path.getsize)
        ext=_.path.re_extract(r"\.([a-z0-9]+)$", 1)
        .re_replace(r"cxx|cpp|cc|c|hpp|h", "C/C++")
        .re_replace("^f.*$", "Fortran")
        .replace("rs", "Rust")
        .replace("go", "Go")
        .replace("asm", "Assembly")
    .order_by([_.month.desc(), _.project_count.desc()])
import ibis
from ibis import _

con = ibis.datafusion.connect()

expr = (
        ext=_.path.re_extract(r"\.([a-z0-9]+)$", 1)
        .re_replace(r"cxx|cpp|cc|c|hpp|h", "C/C++")
        .re_replace("^f.*$", "Fortran")
        .replace("rs", "Rust")
        .replace("go", "Go")
        .replace("asm", "Assembly")
    .order_by([_.month.desc(), _.project_count.desc()])

Data sources

PyPI dataset: Instructions for downloading the (large) dataset from Seth M. Larson